Richard Garriott and the Harbingers of Failure

by on Nov 10, 2007

<strong>Is Tabula Rasa the spark that starts a revolution?</strong> Julie Whitefeather has a great post at the VirginWorlds Blog which calls for change in the way online games are being designed and looks at Tabula Rasa as pointing the way. While this

Is Tabula Rasa the spark that starts a revolution?

Julie Whitefeather has a great post at the VirginWorlds Blog which calls for change in the way online games are being designed and looks at Tabula Rasa as pointing the way. While this certainly isn't a new topic for MMOGs, Julie does a great job of explaining the challenges facing the industry if it doesn't change and presents a convincing argument for the need.

Someone needs to start a trend. Someone needs to change game design. By this I mean change the basic mechanics of how a game is played. Someone needs to change the need to spam "looking for healer, looking for tank". Someone needs to stop the need for specific classes of players to run an instance (read: "unneeded character classes need not apply"). Why change game mechanics?

Read it at the VirginWorlds Blog and then share your thoughts at the ongoing discussion.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016