Rift Commander - Rift Slash Commands and Macros

by on Mar 03, 2011

<p class="MsoNormal">Most of us who have come to Rift are no strangers to the MMOG.

Most of us who have come to Rift are
no strangers to the
MMOG. One of the drawbacks to game expatriation is the uncomfortable
phase where we attempt to call up our favorite shortcuts and commands
from our
prior worlds. To help you make it as seamless as possible we have
compiled a
list of slash commands and macro calls to help you feel right at home


Macros are a series of commands strung together in a player created
file to help simplify actions and to help aid performance in fast pased
scenarios. The macro editor in Rift
is one of the easier to use, but is limited to a single ability/spell
use per macro - so it may not necessarily be one of the most powerful.

An example of a spellcasting macro:

border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
#show Healing Grace

cast @mouseover Healing Grace

This macro uses a couple of elements you will want to familiarize
yourself with. First,the #show command calls the corresponding icon for
the spell/ability you will be using to allow for easy identification.
The second element is the @mouseover command which will make the target
of this spell whoever you are hovering over with your mouse - either on
their avatar itself or their party/raid frame.

You can use any of the following modifiers to help in selecting a
target for your macro:

class="wikitable" border="1">
Modifier @mouseover @self @mark @lasttarget @focustarget @focus

Macros are also helpful to raid leaders or tanks who may want to
simplify the ready check process:

border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
p Pulling %t when all players are ready.


Notice that in both macro examples there is no need for the preceding
slash in front of the command, in fact if you attempt to use it in the
editor it will auto strip it for you. We also used a variable command
in the macro; the variable of %t
returns the targets name while %s
return gender and %r
will return the targets race. Feel free to use the
variables to add some flavor to your macros or just to annoy your

One other item of note about the editor - when adding an ability or
spell to your macro there is no need to spell it out, simply shift
click it directly from your hotbar and the editor will import the name
for you.

style="text-shadow: none;" class="mw-headline"
id="General_Commands">General Commands

class="wikitable" border="1">
 Command Function /alias One of the most
powerful functions; alias allows you to bind a function to a slash
command of your creation - e.g. /alias Heal cast Healing Grace will now
make /heal instantly call that spell up. /announce Used to make an
announcement to your raid. /cancelbuff  Used to remove a
specified buff. /camp Camps to character
selection screen. id="cite_ref-beta5Patchnotes_0-1" class="reference"> style="text-shadow: none;"

/clearfocus Used to clear current
focus target /combatlog Used to toggle a
parseable combat log.  /dismount Dismounts the player /dungeoninfo Dungeon lockout
information /equip
style="text-shadow: none;">
a specified item /equipslot 
Equips the specified
item. /exportkeybindings  Exports your keybind
settings to a file called mykeys.dat /exportui  Exports the UI
settings to a file called myui.dat  /filter Toggles the chat
profanity filter /focus Creates a new target
portrait.  /follow Follows the selected
player  /friend Adds the specified
player to your friendslist /friendslist Opens up the
friendlist /getfocus Returns the current
focustarget /help Returns a list of
available commands (this list) /importkeybindings  Imports previously
exported keybind settings /importui Imports previously
exported UI settings  /inspect Opens the targets
player character information. /loadequip  Loads the specified
equipment /loc Displays your
location in the world. /logout Same as /camp /macro Opens up the macro
editor /motd Sets or displays the
guild message of the day /played Displays total played
time for that character - do not use near spouse.  /pvp Toggles the pvp-flag /quit Camps to desktop /random Rolls a virtual dice
for  a random number between player specified
minimum and maximum /resetinstances Resets all current
dungeons /returntorespawn Returns player to
respawn point - only usable when dead. /role  Toggles between
specified roles. /roll Same as /rand /saveequip  Saves all current
equipped items. Maximum of 10 equipment sets allowed.  /trade  Opens up a trade
window with targeted player.  /tweet  Exports text to
Twitter - fully integrated in-game, also allows for screenshot export /use
Uses the specified
item. Also works with items from collections. /version Returns the current
version of the game /who Displays other
players, can search by level, race, class or location

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class="mw-headline" id="Combat_Commands">Combat

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Command Function /cast  Casts the specified
spell /startattack Starts a melee attack /startrandgedattack Starts
a ranged attack /stopattack Stops current attack /stopcasting Stops current
spellcast /target  Targets closest name
to syntax inputed /targetexact  Will only target
exact match

style="text-shadow: none;" class="mw-headline"
id="Pet_Commands">Pet Commands

class="wikitable" border="1">
 Command Function /petaggressive Sets pet to
aggressive mode, will attack any enemies in range /petattack Orders pet to attack
specific enemy /petcast  Orders pet to cast
specific spell /petdefensive Sets pet to defensive
mode, will only attack enemies that engage their master /petfollow Orders pet to follow /petname Allows pet to be
renamed. /petpassive Sets pet to passive
mode, pet wont attack a damned thing. /petstay Orders pet to stay.
Sit Ubu, sit. Good dog.

style="text-shadow: none;" class="editsection"> style="text-shadow: none; color: rgb(51, 51, 255);"
class="mw-headline" id="Chat_Commands">Chat Commands

class="wikitable" border="1">
 Command Function /chat 
Used to speak in
specified channel, can also be shortened by using specific channel # /chatlist Displays a list of
all channels you are in. /gu Used to speak in
guild chat - also a great webcomic.  /lfg Adds player to
looking for group channel.  /o Used to speak in
officer chat if you are an officer in your guild.  /p Used to communicate
in party chat. /ra Used to communicate
in raid chat - raid leader can use /rw to broadcast a message /r Replies to the last
whisper. /s Used to communicate
in immediate local area /w Used to communicate
privatley with another player, can also use /t /y Used to communicate
in current zone - used mostly to annoy fellow players. 

style="text-shadow: none;" class="mw-headline"
id="Group_Commands">Group Commands

class="wikitable" border="1">
Command Function /clearallmarks Clears all player set
raid marks /clearmark Clears specific raid
mark /dumpraid  Creates an XML file
containing current raid members. /partyleave Leave the party. /invite Invites selected
player to the party. /promote Promotes the
specified player to the raid leader position. /leader Promotes the selected
player to the party leader. /leave Leaves the party or
raid. /mark Used to add a
targeting number over the top a selected enemy /raid_create Creates a new raid. /raid_disband Disbands the raid. /readycheck Used to perform a
check to ensure all raid/party members are ready. 

Hopefully this list will help acclimate you to the style="font-style: italic;">Rift command
vernacular and help expedite your assimilation into the fold. In other
words, we hope this gets you properly up to speed on some style="font-style: italic;">Rift commands.
Happy hunting!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016