Rift Unleashes "Telara the Merciless" Open Beta Event February 15th

by on Feb 07, 2011

<p><em><a href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/rift">Rift</a></em> concluded its sixth and final closed beta test phase today and players that have yet to try out life in Telara will have one more chance

Rift concluded its sixth and final closed beta test phase today and players that have yet to try out life in Telara will have one more chance before launch with the game's open beta. Trion Worlds today announced that Rift's open beta titled "Telara the Merciless" will begin at 7:00am PST on February 15th, 2011. The open beta will last for six days, concluding on February 21st. At that time, Rift will close its servers in preparation for its head start launch scheduled for February 24th, followed by the official launch on March 1st.

The open beta phase will increase the level cap to 42 and feature three warfronts and several zones to explore. Players can sign up for the open beta on the official Rift website.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016