Rift vs Reward: Part Two

by on Nov 06, 2007

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By: Martuk

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The really popular items from "The Rift" are obtained with a variety of gems that can be earned by slaying the many raid bosses that dwell deep within this dark dwelling. Successfully defeating one of these many creatures can earn you a well deserved chance at acquiring one of these gems. The gems can then be taken to class barter merchants found at Iorelen's Ranger camp located near the entrance to "The Rift."

In part two of this guide, we will cover a couple of these merchants and their respective goods. The Guardian and Champion classes will drool at the goods these merchants have to offer, but to get it all; it will require patience and a lot of raiding along with a bit of luck. (Usually for the rolls)

The first thing you need to know about the gems is where to find them. Below, I have listed the known confirmed drops of each gem and its carrier. This list has been confirmed through my Kinships raid on these targets.This list will update as I learn new information or if anything changes.

Gem Name Mob the Drops Sparkling Diamond
Near Perfect Sapphire
Zurm and Barz
Glinting Amethyst
Glowing Red Ruby
Dazzling Emerald
Thaurlach (The Rift's Balrog)
Pristine Opal
Firey Quartz
Thaurlach (The Rift's Balrog)


Guardians have received a nice new set of Rift-Defender's armor with Book 11. These items will make any Guardian drool. Along with the armor, Guardians get a one-handed sword called Congrist and a Heavy Shield called Vorthrand. This full set will make a Guardian a primed protector of any group.

Himhul (Guardian Trader) Name Type Stats Gem Cost
Rift-Defender's Gloves
+199 Armour

+30 Might

+8 Agility

+8 Vitality

+90 morale

+0.7 in-combat Morale Regen

Disperse Shadows:
You have a chance to absorb some incoming Shadow damage.
Sparkling Diamond
Rift-Defender's Boots
+159 Armour

+30 Agility

+30 Vitality

+15 Will

+8 Might

+8 Fate
Near Perfect Sapphire
Rift-Defender's Leggings
+332 Armour

+2 in-combat Morale Regen

+8 Agility

+8 Vitality

+30 Will

+15 Might
Glinting Amethyst
Rift-Defender's Breastplate
+399 Armour

+30 Might

+90 Power

+8 Will

+8 Vitality

+3% Wound Resistance
Glowing Red Ruby
Rift-Defender's Shoulders
+120 Armour

+90 Power

+8 Agility

+8 Vitality

+15 Will

+30 Might:
Dazzling Emerald
Rift-Defender's Helm
+120 Armour

+30 Will

+90 Morale

+15 Agility

+8 Fate

+8 Might
Pristine Opal
One Hand Sword
27.5 dps

+6 damage to dead

Wield: Hit chance slightly increased.

+1% Parry chance

+90 Morale

+15 Agility

+15 Vitality

+15 Might

On Use: +662.4 Morale
Firey Quartz
+713 Armour

-10% Ranged Vulnerability

+2% incoming healing

+1.5 in-combat Power Regen

+15 Will

+15 Vitality
Firey Quartz
Set Bonus
Set (2) +3% Disperse Shadow chance

Set (2) +15 Vitality

Set (4) +10% Disperse Shadow chance

Set (4) -15% Catch a Breath Power Cost

Set (6) +25% Disperse Shadow chance

Set (6) -20% Thrill of Danger Recovery Time


No class is lacking love when it comes to these new items. Champions will be drooling over their fine set as well. To compliment their armor, Champions have been given three weapons to choose from. A one-handed Ancient Dwarf-make hammer called Othdring, a one-hand sword
of Ancient Dwarf-make called Saellang, and a one-hand sword of Beleriand-damage called Avorchrist.

Istuigon (ChampionTrader) Name Type Stats Gem Cost
Gloves of the Gloom-Bane
+199 Armour

+30 Might

+30 Agility

+0.7 in-combat Morale Regen

+8 Will

+8 Vitality

Disperse Shadows:
You have a chance to absorb some incoming Shadow damage.
Sparkling Diamond
Boots of the Gloom-Bane
+159 Armour

+90 Power

+30 Vitality

+15 Might

+8 Agility

+8 Will
Near Perfect Sapphire
Leggings of the Gloom-Bane
+332 Armour

+8 Might

+30 Agility

+2 in-combat Morale Regen

+15 Will

+8 Vitality
Glinting Amethyst
Breastplate of the Gloom-Bane
+399 Armour

+30 Might

+30 Vitality

+3%Wound Resistance

+8 Will

+8 Agility
Glowing Red Ruby
Shoulders of the Gloom-Bane
+120 Armour

+90 Power

+30 Might

+15 Agility

+15 Will

Dazzling Emerald
Helm of the Gloom-Bane
+120 Armour

+90 Morale

+30 Vitality

+8 Might

+8 Agility

+8 Will

+8 Fate
Pristine Opal
One-hand Hammer

Ancient Dwarf-make

+6 damage to the dead

+1% Parry chance

+90 Morale

+15 Agility

+15 Vitality

+15 Might

Target: you have a small chance to lower your targets ability to evade.

On Use: Heals 93 damage initially and 93 morale every 5 seconds for 25 seconds.
Firey Quartz
One-hand Sword

Ancient Dwarf-make

+6 damage to the dead

+90 Morale

+90 Power

+30 Agility

+30 Will

On Use: +662.4 Morale

Wield: Hit chance slightly increased.
Firey Quartz
One-hand Sword Beleriand damage

+1% Melee critical hit chance

+15 Might

+15 Agility

+15 Vitality

+15 Will

Wield: Hit chance slightly increased.
Firey Quartz
Gloom-Bane Set Bonus
Set (2) +3% Disperse Shadow Chance

Set (2) +15 Might

Set (4) +10% Disperse Shadow Chance

Set (4) +10% Glory Threat

Set (6) +25% Disperse Shadow Chance

Set (6) +5% Glory Melee Damage

"The Rift" is loaded with opportunities to obtain new gear, ore for tokens, and those ever so elusive gems. The Guardian and the Champion class have certainly gotten a nice new set to work for with this update, but that did not sail the other classes short by any means. In part three we will cover more classes and the sets associated with those.

Until then, share your thoughts and questions on our Forums.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016