Rumor: Bioware Not Doing the New Star Wars MMOG

by on Feb 07, 2008

<strong>Wait... WHAT?</strong>

Wait... WHAT?

Massively is reporting on a story picked up at a well-known game industry leaking blog, Surfer Girl, who claims that Bioware may not be doing the next Star Wars MMO.

So why do I mention her here? Because early today she dropped a possible bombshell on all of us who have been really hoping BioWare's MMO-in-development is Knights of the Old Republic Online. Says the Girl: "Next year's Star Wars MMO, not being developed by BioWare or Sony Online Entertainment, will launch simultaneously for PC and consoles alongside the debut of the first Star Wars TV series in fall 2009, of which the storylines of the game will tie into. Those Artistic Lucases already have a second online title planned that I've heard has nothing to do with Star Wars."

Read the whole speculative story at Massively and then join the discussion.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016