Rumor: Some Age of Conan Pre-orders May Get Early Access

by on Mar 05, 2008

<strong>No big surprise here.</strong>

No big surprise here.

Massively is reporting on a rumor that Age of Conan may follow in the footsteps of other MMOGs before it and allow pre-order customers an early 3-day head start on the gameplay before the general population is allowed in.

We've caught wind of a rumor regarding certain retail chains that give out unique Age of Conan pre-order keys. It seems that if you've pre-ordered at any chain that does give you a unique key, then a three-day early start is in your Hyborian future. The rumor started in this thread on the official forums, which was then supported by a secondary post with a copy-paste of an email that seemingly confirms the rumor. What is most interesting is that an official post has since been made concerning said rumor, which doesn't actually deny the three-day head start.

Read the rest of the rumor-mongering at Massively.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016