Scheduled Update 08/28/2008

by on Aug 28, 2008

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There will be a small update for Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures on Thursday, August 28th. The fix is a smaller one and aimed at fixing several issues with sieging and the charge skill.

We will release a short update on Thursday, 28th August at 11am GMT / 7am EDT - scheduled to last 5 hours. The update will contain the following fixes:

Resolved issues with the Charge abilities that were not functioning correctly. Fixed several issues that were preventing the completion of some siege encounters.

We want to resolve these without waiting for the next major update. We will continue to work on the PvP Update as our main focus for the next update and should be able to provide more details on the progress on that topic later this week.

Thank you

You can read the official post here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016