Scott Hartsman Details First Rift Beta Event

by on Dec 09, 2010

<p>This past weekend, thousands of players stepped into the first beta phase for <a href=""><em>Rift: Planes of Telara</em></a>.

This past weekend, thousands of players stepped into the first beta phase for Rift: Planes of Telara. Executive Producer Scott Hartsman has posted a post-beta report of sorts to the Rift Junkies forums to let players know what the beta accomplished and how well the more than 20,000 pieces of submitted feedback during the event has helped to improve the game. The feedback helped answer some critical questions that the devs have used to fix both the patcher and in-game dynamic rift events.

Where we had hoped and expected to see invasions rampaging across the countryside, instead the population density had become far too high, such that invasions weren’t even getting off the ground.

We updated the game with even more insanely active tuning on Saturday night to give the invaders a chance to come out and play too, and the response in chat and submitted feedbacks was overwhelmingly positive once that started.

By the time it worked, it was a hell of a sight — Huge invasions finally freed up, setting up footholds, wiping out the local populace, and eventually being repelled by defenders.

Thanks to Annatar for the catch.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016