Setting Your Own Pace in DDO

by on Apr 10, 2006

<strong>Adam Sandler Likes it "At a Medium Pace"</strong><br /> <br /> The secret to good comedy is good timing. Gaming is not that much different. As Darkgolem explains, learning the pace of gameplay that is right for you is essential to enjoy Dungeons

Adam Sandler Likes it "At a Medium Pace"

The secret to good comedy is good timing. Gaming is not that much different. As Darkgolem explains, learning the pace of gameplay that is right for you is essential to enjoy Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach (DDO). He covers the benefits and problems with both power-gaming and relaxed gaming in DDO:

The amount of time you play Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach (DDO) should be based upon what is the most fun for you. Some people prefer to play a few times a week, some play a lot more. To power-game (level as quickly as possible)--if that is something you wish to do--you have to approach gaming in an organized way, paying attention to key information. To game in a more casual way, you need to play enough that you don’t lose a “connection” to the character you're playing. The enthusiasm is part of the fun.

Read Pacing Yourself, at DDO - TenTonHammer and find the right pace for you!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016