SMITE: 5 Gods I Want To See Added

by on Jul 07, 2016

There are hundreds of gods SMITE has yet to add, here are the five I want as soon as possible!

SMITE is filled to the brim with amazing gods and yet there are countless that haven’t been added. As someone who loves mythology and the variety of gods that cultures present, I’ve a huge list that I’d like to see implemented. With that in mind, here are my favorite five gods that I want to see added to SMITE.


The Hindu lord of all existing beings, Ganesha is known as the elephant-headed god. With wonderful lore surrounding him, he has huge potential in SMITE as a Guardian. Wielding multiple objects in his hands, he has the potential for an exciting and flexible kit. Riding a rat, he holds a conch, laddu, snake, mudra (fearlessness) and a broken tusk. At the very least, all five objects could translate into skills (the snake particularly interesting as a control tool that poisons). There’s also the fact that Ganesha is capable of appearing into 32 different forms, including a 10-armed Ganesha who rides a lion. Really, though, who wouldn’t want to play a God that’s part elephant?


Also known as Set, he is the god of the desert, storms, disorder and violence: total chaos. As a usurper who killed and mutilated his own brother, Osiris, he is also employed by Ra on his solar boat (so that’s what they do during the Summer Season). Although he has an animal head, it isn’t a known beast and is depicted in a variety of ways. What I love so much about Seth however is the fact that as the god of chaos, there’s just so much potential for skills that break away from the norm. The use of sand and storms could be visually stunning and there’s potential for a mage that offers control, rather than raw damage.


I absolutely love Egyptian culture, so had to include Bes here. As the god of fortune, fertility, the arts and dwarfs (random!) he might not be a typical choice to add to SMITE and yet he has a lot of potential. Not only does he look awesome (he has human and lion features and often depicted wearing a lion skin) but he’s also small. Over time he became known as the defender of everything good so what better god to have as a Guardian? Although there’s a risk that he could step on Vamana’s toes, I think there’s enough of a difference between the two to make them both feel unique. To the Egyptian people he represents pleasure - music and dancing - and they often used his symbol to ward off evil spirits. With a skillset designed around protecting others passively or directly, he could fit in nicely alongside Khepri.


Technically an “imported God” to Roman culture, similar to Isis, Pan is well known. Half man, half goat - similar to a faun or satyr - he carries pipes with him. As the god of the wild, he’s likely the nearest thing SMITE could have to a bard. Anyone who has ever played a Bard (Dark Age of Camelot, anyone?) will be well accustomed to the potential here. Interestingly and although most famous for his music, Pan (and the group of Pans) were famed hunters. This gives him a lot of potential to be a supportive mage (he could heal allies or buff them with his songs) or a hybrid capable of ranged attacks while using some musical spells. If nothing else, he would look fantastic.


As my final god, Hachiman could be exceptional. Known to be the god of archery and war, he is the divine protector of Japan. Interestingly, despite being known as the god of war it is seen as more of a protective role rather than one that’s proactive or offensive. What I find so compelling about him, certainly where SMITE is concerned, is that he could - potentially - be an incredibly flexible Hunter. Wielding both a samurai sword and bow, his symbolic animal is the dove and he is often referenced with the eight heavenly banners. Both of these elements could play into his kit (the dove a skill, the banners his mechanic?).

What god would you like to see added to SMITE? Let me know in the comments below. 

Last Updated: Jul 07, 2016