Sneak Peek - The Halls of Stone

by on Jul 01, 2008

<p>The Halls of Stone will be a level-up dungeon for players level 77-79. It will be located in Ulduar the Titan city that can be found in the Storm Peak mountains.

The Halls of Stone will be a level-up dungeon for players level 77-79. It will be located in Ulduar the Titan city that can be found in the Storm Peak mountains. The Storm Peaks are a zone in the north east area of Northrend.

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A Map of the Halls of Stone

Blizzard mentioned at the Worldwide Invitational that they prefer to keep level ranges very small on dungeons so that they can better tune the instance to what the player is likely to have, both gear and ability wise.

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Block Layout of the Halls of Stone

Being part of the Titan city the zone has a massive scale to it. Everything appears hundreds of feet tall as the pillars stretch up to the ceiling. While it appears huge, it will apparently still play in about an hour. One thing that will help that sense of scale is that you will require a flying mount to enter the zone, hence its 77 level requirement. Level 77 is when you will regain access to flying mounts in WotLK.

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Are they friendly?

Blizzard will be tying the instance heavily to the Titan lore in the game and expanding on it. The quest chain involving the miniature platinum disks that you found way back in the Uldaman instance will likely continue in this instance. Also more will be explained in regards to Titans and the creation of Azeroth.

One area that was shown was a room with three massive statues of female hears. They glowed yellow and red in the demo and players were warned that they may not be friendly. One of the MOB types that will definitely not be friendly are the Iron Dwarves that live in the area.

Need more info on "Halls of Stone"? Check out the Halls of Stone companion video recorded live at the Paris Invitational event!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016