Sneak Peek - The Occulus

by on Jun 29, 2008

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href=""> src="/image/view/37145/preview" alt="" width="150" />

Concept Artwork of the Occulus

The Occulus will be a level 80 instance found in the Coldarra region of the Borean Tundra (one of the starting zones in WotLK). The instance is made up of a set of floating rings. It has a few very unique features such as being the first instance that you will be allowed to fly in. Better yet you can fight while mounted.

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href=""> src="/image/view/37153/preview" alt="" width="200" />

Map of the Occulus

Yes, you heard that right, you can fly in the instance! The second unique feature is how mounting up will change your role in the instance. When you get to the portion where you can mount up you find several drakes that you can ride. Depending on the one you chose you can heal, tank, or DPS. This will all apparently be instead of your characters main role. This new role is the one you fill in the group while you are mounted.

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href=""> src="/image/view/37155/preview" alt="" width="200" />

Sample Block Layout of the Occulus

Once your group has fought to the point were you can mount up the remainder of the instance is non-linear. You can fly to any section that you want and complete the bosses in the order of your choice. Each boss in on a separate flying ring of the zone.

The mechanics used in this instance of mounted combat and alternate roles while mounted are what Blizzards hopes will make it one of everyone's favorite new instances. After all, now a priest can tank, and a rogue can heal! Maybe after a few tries players will be a little easier on each other about their primary roles.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016