SOE Dev Interview

by on Mar 03, 2007

I love it when they do a little Q&A with their own developers. It gives us players a rare peek behind the scenes!

I love it when they do a little Q&A with their own developers. It gives us players a rare peek behind the scenes!
This time, we get to see a bit from the dev, Jeremy Gess, that worked on the Estate of Unrest, Echoes of Faydwer's newest dungeon.

The Unrest zone is considered one of the favorite zones for EQ1 players, what have you added to that zone, and what are the main changes that took place?

It was important for me to keep as much of the elements that made the zone great in EQ1 as much as possible. I tried to anticipate what the players wanted to see again and asked other developers what they liked about EQ1 Unrest. Paul Carrico's early map of EQ2 did a great job of preserving the layout of the house and the notable landmarks such as the hedge maze and gazebo. The artists did a great job on elaborating on the map and really bringing the EQ1 zone into the EQ2 world. The main change that took place was how much bigger the basement was expanded. There are some great encounters and events down there that wouldn't have been possible without the added space.

And it is shaping up to be a good zone, though the original will always be my fave!

Read the rest of this great interview on!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016