SOE Fan Faire Friend Finder

by on Jul 07, 2008

<strong>Find your friends at Fan Faire.</strong>

Find your friends at Fan Faire.

With the summer heat reminding us how much we enjoy walking large exhibit halls in nice air conditioning (Leipzig excepted), convention season is upon us. One of the big dogs, SOE Fan Faire will be in Las Vegas August 14-17th. In one of the better community tools I've seen, there is a way to view the attendee list for each server from the whole stable of SOE games. This is just one handy feature on the registration website that also spells out the benefits for attendees:

For just $89, Fan Faire attendees can go VIP with a weekend-long ALL-ACCESS pass that includes loads of special activities:

* Receive an invitation to participate in the upcoming Free Realms Beta test!*
* Receive an invitation to participate in the upcoming EverQuest II Expansion Beta test! *
* Attend the 2nd Annual Community Address from SOE President John Smedley.
* Attend lots of social activities, including a Kickoff Reception, a Grand Banquet, a Costume Contest and an offsite VIP Party with lots of fun, games and live entertainment!**
* Encourage Guild mates to pre-register online! Guilds who pre-register groups of 10 or more attendees for the All-Access pass online will receive 50% off the All-Access admission fee. (Offer does not apply to walk-in or day-pass registrants.)
* Play live demos of SOE's upcoming titles.
* Receive gifts and in-game items.

Is that wood elf named Crazylegs going from your server? Find out on the Fan Faire Attendee list.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016