SOE FanFaire '07: Over 100 Images from the Event

by on Aug 06, 2007

<h4 style="text-align: center;">Deluge of SOE FanFaire 2007 Images</h4> Sony Online Entertainment's FanFaire, for those of us that fell in love with Everquest, we've been familiar with the event for years. However, some of you may be wondering exactly

Deluge of SOE FanFaire
2007 Images

Sony Online Entertainment's FanFaire, for those of us that fell in love
with Everquest, we've been familiar with the event for years. However,
some of you may be wondering exactly what the FanFaire is all about.
While you can certainly learn about the panel discussions and game
overviews by checking out our coverage list, you can also gather a
great deal of information by checking out our pictures from the event.
Ten Ton Hammer's CEO, Pat Connoy,  style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman";">diligently
covered the event with his camera in hand, snapping pictures of href="">anything
and everything that crossed his path. Below you'll find a
selection of twenty of our favorite images, but over href="">100
images have been deposited in our gallery for you to
observe! Enjoy!

New SOE FanFaire 2007 Images:

style="width: 81px; height: 161px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
class="vatable" border="0" cellpadding="0"
href=""> src=""
alt="Smedley discusses SOE plans and strategies for the future."
title="Smedley discusses SOE plans and strategies for the future."
name="photo_j" border="0" height="113" width="150"> href=""> src=""
alt="Coyote and his fans!" title="Coyote and his fans!"
name="photo_j" border="0" height="113" width="150"> href=""> src=""
alt="Drunken dwarf sotted at the Rio."
title="Drunken dwarf sotted at the Rio." name="photo_j"
border="0" height="150" width="113"> href=""> src=""
alt="Just your average Vegas couple."
title="Just your average Vegas couple." name="photo_j"
border="0" height="113" width="150"> href=""> src=""
alt="Coyote assumes his usual position."
title="Coyote assumes his usual position." name="photo_j"
border="0" height="113" width="150"> href=""> src=""
alt="Where are those astronaut diapers when a guy really needs them?"
title="Where are those astronaut diapers when a guy really needs them?"
name="photo_j" border="0" height="113" width="150"> href=""> src=""
alt="Vegas has all kinds of games."
title="Vegas has all kinds of games." name="photo_j"
border="0" height="113" width="150"> href=""> src=""
alt="Hey girls, Coyotes room is 1233."
title="Hey girls, Coyotes room is 1233." name="photo_j"
border="0" height="150" width="113"> href=""> src=""
alt="These cocktails make me feel high."
title="These cocktails make me feel high." name="photo_j"
border="0" height="113" width="150"> href=""> src=""
alt="1,600 SOE Gaming fans wait to register."
title="1,600 SOE Gaming fans wait to register." name="photo_j"
border="0" height="113" width="150"> href=""> src=""
alt="Fan Faire 2007 closes with a great banquet."
title="Fan Faire 2007 closes with a great banquet."
name="photo_j" border="0" height="113" width="150"> href=""> src=""
alt="The wedding couple leave the hall."
title="The wedding couple leave the hall." name="photo_j"
border="0" height="113" width="150"> href=""> src=""
alt="You don't really believe these girls play EQ II."
title="You don't really believe these girls play EQ II."
name="photo_j" border="0" height="113" width="150"> href=""> src=""
alt="Planning their next raid."
title="Planning their next raid." name="photo_j"
border="0" height="113" width="150"> href=""> src=""
alt="A well placed ad." title="A well placed ad."
name="photo_j" border="0" height="113" width="150"> href=""> src=""
alt="Again, " title="Again, " press="" to=""
the="" front="" please="" mr="" smedley=""
wants="" it="" that="" way=""
name="photo_j" border="0" height="113" width="150"> href=""> src=""
alt="Darth leads the wedding procession into the hall."
title="Darth leads the wedding procession into the hall."
name="photo_j" border="0" height="113" width="150"> href=""> src=""
alt="Truly getting some booty!"
title="Truly getting some booty!" name="photo_j"
border="0" height="113" width="150"> href=""> src=""
alt="Where's Elvis?" title="Where's Elvis?"
name="photo_j" border="0" height="113" width="150"> href=""> src=""
alt="" title="" and="" what="" games=""
do="" you="" girls="" play=""
name="photo_j" border="0" height="113" width="150">

Make sure you check out
of our SOE
2007 coverage

Visit our gallery to see
all the href="">SOE
2007 images!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016