SOE Offers a Real-Life Quest

by on Apr 12, 2006


This cryptic message, along with "The Future of EverQuest II" spelled out in the game's "woodelf" font, was hidden in a sticker handed out at last week's SOE FanFaire 2006. (If you want details on how to break the code, click here) We received the sticker image (right - click it!) in a press release from SOE tonight that hinted at the "double coded message". The sticker seems to hint that a new retail expansion for EverQuest 2 will hit stores this holiday season.

Beyond that, according to Wiki, "fae" is simply an abbreviation of "faerie" - and what SOE means by that is anyone's guess. Old timers like me might remember a certain zone whose name contained something like "fae" (and that might just tie into the sticker's use of the "woodelf" font). But we're just speculating.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016