Sprawl's E3 Scrawl

by on May 15, 2006

World of Warcaft Vault have released a new Sprawl's Scrawl.

World of Warcaft Vault have released a new Sprawl's Scrawl. This one focuses on E3, with tons of information, news, rumors and other interesting tidbits!

No Sprawl's Scrawl booth this year, but it seems Blizzard was popular enough to get a booth, so perhaps next year! This week's Scrawl is an Electronics Entertainment Expo Special Edition Feature that covers everything at E3: the new races in the expansion, the new profession, the new instances, the new patch... we even cover Blizzard's competition in the absolutely longest, most graphic intenstive Sprawl's Scrawl issue ever! If you've think you've read everything on E3, guess again.

Read the rest of Sprawl's E3 Scrawl here!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016