Star Trek Online Developer's Diary Explains Episode Missions

by on Nov 05, 2009

<p>Cryptic has released a new developer's diary explaining the episode missions in <em>Star Trek Online (STO)</em>. Episode missions play much like an episode of the TV shows and draw the player in to...</p>

Cryptic has released a new developer's diary explaining the episode missions in Star Trek Online (STO). Episode missions play much like an episode of the TV shows and draw the player in to complex quest chains that were written as though they were a standalone TV episodes themselves. Each episode reveals more about the STO storyline. At launch the game will have roughly three seasons worth of content that will draw the player into thick story with evolving plots.

As the story develops, the stakes increase. While Episodes later in the game don't take longer in terms of time or the number of in-game objectives, plot itself accelerates to a dramatic pitch. The threats you'll face are as great as any you've seen in the Star Trek movies. That's not to say early missions are anything to scoff at, however; the early Episodes are designed to be intriguing and dangerous, too.

Read the full diary here. Discuss this and more on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016