Star Wars: The Old Republic: Impressions of the Imperial Agent

by on Nov 23, 2009

<p> MMORPG recently got the chance to experience first-hand the new Imperial Agent in BioWare's upcoming MMOG <em>Star Wars: The Old Republic</em>. At a recent event at LucasArts San Francisco compound,...</p>

MMORPG recently got the chance to experience first-hand the new Imperial Agent in BioWare's upcoming MMOG Star Wars: The Old Republic. At a recent event at LucasArts San Francisco compound, BioWare put on a demonstration of the new class. Described as a combination between an RPG rogue and controller class by Dana Massey, the Imperial Agent is a stealthy class that uses crowd control abilities such as a sleep dart to keep enemies at bay, but the agent is also capable of packing a nasty punch from a distance using a trusty sniper rifle. The story also details some rather brutal tactics employed by the agent to dispatch his enemies.

Making use of a stealth belt, they can sneak around a level undetected. Through the use of a mechanic that hearkened back to the days of Thief: The Dark Project; the agent quickly takes out individual enemies with a very graphic and satisfying backstab. This was no subtle MMO style prod either. The knife was out, right through the guy's back (and out the other side) before you could blink an eye.

You can read the full story here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016