Star Wars: The Old Republic Reveals the Sith Warrior

by on Aug 31, 2009

<p>Sith Warriors are the dark side warriors of Star Wars: The Old Republic. They are entrusted with expanding the influence of the Sith and destroying its enemies. By channeling the dark side...</p>

Sith Warriors are the dark side warriors of Star Wars: The Old Republic. They are entrusted with expanding the influence of the Sith and destroying its enemies. By channeling the dark side emotions of fear, hate, and anger, Sith become beings of a purely brutal nature. Sworn enemies of the Jedi, the Sith Warrior looks to not only expand the influence of the Sith, but to destroy the Jedi Order and all that it has created.

Whether they align their ambitions with those of the Dark Council or become renegades in pursuit of their own goals, they are never far from the action. Their fierce hatred of the Jedi keeps Sith Warriors at the forefront of any conflict with the Republic. The passion to eradicate the Jedi Order fuels many of their actions, but that does not make them single-minded fools.

Learn more about the Sith Warrior here. Discuss this and more on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016