Stargate Worlds: Exclusive Interview with Joe Ybarra

by on Sep 15, 2006

<b>Is There Life After SG-1? An Austin Games Interview with Joe Ybarra, VP of Product Development, Stargate Worlds</b><br /> <br /> Joe Ybarra is one of the venerable developer names behind games you've certainly heard of and probably played. Nowadays,

Is There Life After SG-1? An Austin Games Interview with Joe Ybarra, VP of Product Development, Stargate Worlds

Joe Ybarra is one of the venerable developer names behind games you've certainly heard of and probably played. Nowadays, Mr. Ybarra is one of the decision-makers behind Stargate Worlds, the highly anticipated MMORPG based on the long-running Stargate television series. That's "series" plural, but one of those series, Stargate SG-1, is heading into its last season. How will this impact the development of Stargate Worlds? This, and an update on progress made since the last time we talked to the Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment team, was on Nicole "Awen" Hamlett's mind when she spoke with Joe Ybarra at Austin Games Conference.

"The idea about this whole game design revolves around modeling the modern combat system. So this is all about the SG-1 team, the P-90's, the explosives, the Zat guns and all that good stuff. What we're really doing with this is trying to design a combat system that is really different than what you see in the typical MMO. We're completely getting away from that, aside from PVE. And of course the PVP environment takes care of itself because there are real humans driving that. But we know that in all of these games, the majority of what players do is fight. So we need to make sure that our game is really robust in the combat system."

Get clicking to find out what other questions were answered about Stargate Worlds! Are you looking forward to playing this game when it launches? Let us know in the forums right here at Ten Ton Hammer!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016