Stargate Worlds Q&A at MMOGInfo

by on Oct 03, 2007

<strong>They had questions, they got answers. Isn't it neat how it works like that sometimes?</strong> MMOGinfo got a chance to chat with Kevin Balantine, Senior Marketing Manager at Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment, and grab some new details about the

They had questions, they got answers. Isn't it neat how it works like that sometimes?

MMOGinfo got a chance to chat with Kevin Balantine, Senior Marketing Manager at Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment, and grab some new details about the upcoming Stargate Worlds.

Stargate Worlds will have a level-based progression for characters, but there will be a variety of skill trees for each character archetype to allow customization. The system is both accessible to players new to MMORPGs and familiar to longtime players.

See the Q&A session at

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016