Stargate Worlds: VIP Access Interview

by on Jul 20, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Questions by Ten Ton Hammer Premium Members</span><br style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">

by Ten Ton Hammer Premium Members

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">
by Chris Klug, Creative Director,
style="font-weight: bold;">Stargate Worlds

From the outset, Ten Ton Hammer has designed the href="" target="_blank">Premium
Membership program to help bring players closer to the
developers who create the games they love. When a Premium Member
suggested ( href=""
target="_blank">Members Only link)
that a great way to accomplish this goal would be to allow Members to
submit interview questions for developers, we knew we'd just heard a
great idea. Now Ten
Ton Hammer is putting that plan into action.

Introducing the first installment of our new series called VIP Access,
where Ten Ton Hammer Premium Members get a chance to have their
questions answered by the developers. First up in our series of games
is Stargate Worlds (SGW), Cheyenne Mountain
Entertainment's adaptation of the wildly successful science fiction
television series based on the Stargate movie.

Ten Ton Hammer Premium Members submitted questions to ask the Cheyenne
Mountain team about SGW, and here are the answers.

heerobya: Will
content take place only in our galaxy or also within the Pegasus galaxy?

style="font-weight: bold;">A:
Our Own galaxy.

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style="font-style: italic;">Stargate Worlds can
take players literally anywhere.

heerobya: With nearly
infinite possibilities for content expansion in virtually any
imaginable setting / time period etc., what plan do you have to keep a
unified, consistent feel throughout the game?

style="font-weight: bold;">A: style="font-style: italic;">We wrote a great
coherent story that feels like a season on the show.  Each
mission is part of that story, and the player’s travels through the
universe are all related to the fight against the Big Bad.

heerobya: What kind of
system can we expect? Considering the style="font-style: italic;">Stargate
focuses primary on ranged combat, will we be looking at a more FPS
[first person shooter] system, a straight RPG [role-playing game] auto
targeting system, or a hybrid of the two like we see in titles like style="font-style: italic;">Mass Effect?

style="font-weight: bold;">A: It’s a unique
hybrid of an FPS and an RPG.  It’s kind of like ‘FPS for
Dummies’ in that it has all the visceral feel of FPS combat without the
need to be a twitch expert.  It’s quite revolutionary.

evenchin: style="font-style: italic;">How will the Asgard
Bombardment Ability work? And will it not be too overpowered?

style="font-weight: bold;">A: It is triggered
by an ability and subject to cool down.  Final details are
being worked out.

evenchin style="font-weight: bold;">: style="font-style: italic;">The Asgard are one
with the drones; they feel like one character. Will style="font-weight: bold;">the drones be style="font-weight: bold;">customizable then? If so, how?

style="font-weight: bold;">A:
Drones become customized through Ability Tree Choices.  Based
on which Abilities are chosen and/or which trees are emphasized, that
affects the Drone’s look and feel.

evenchin style="font-weight: bold;">: style="font-style: italic;">The Asgards are
quite fragile. Even though they area fragile race with no real
protection, will there be a shielding technology that keeps them from
not being killed at the first shot?

style="font-weight: bold;">A:  style="font-style: italic;">Their drones
function somewhat as shields, and [Asgards] do get high-tech armor.

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Players can expect
some different looks on the field.

drevan: Will the game
also incorporate content from Stargate:

style="font-weight: bold;">A:
Not at launch. It may end up in an expansion.

cirric: Will a Goa'uld be
able to defect and be member of the SGU? Or would they just be
considered Tokra? Similarly, would you be able to be an Asguard on the
side of the Praxis?

style="font-weight: bold;">A:
There is no ability to switch sides during play.

cirric: How soon can we
expect to see vehicles we can drive, both space and ground [vehicles]?

style="font-weight: bold;">A: Ground vehicles
are nowhere in the foreseeable future.  I don’t know if we’ll
ever get them, the technology challenge there is pretty
formidable.  If any team can overcome it, it’s this team,
however.  Space vehicles are much more likely.

cirric: How strictly will
you be sticking to the Stargate
mythos? Meaning will you be introducing different technology, different
worlds and different races/creatures that were not in the various

style="font-weight: bold;">A: We have been
given great license by the show’s creators to expand the
license.  They have explicitly told us to “Do the things that
we can’t do on the show, please!”  And we run material by them
and work with them on continuity.  Everything in the show is
treated as canon by the show runners.

cirric: How much
interaction will we have with General Jack O'Neill? That guy just plain

style="font-weight: bold;">A: Yes, he does, and
he is important to the story.

IvanTv: Do you have any
plans for
large-scale ship battles (ie. a Goa'uld mother ship vs. an Earth ship,
both being controlled by players inside)?

style="font-weight: bold;">A: Not in the
shipping product.

Kralle: Do you support
"packrats" with plenty of storage to pack my stuff away?

style="font-weight: bold;">A: You have a “bank”
with storage.

Kralle: Will quests have
the possibility to have an unknown ending or reward?

style="font-weight: bold;">A:
We have twists and turns in the story, so I suppose the answer to the
first part is yes.  Most times, you are told what the reward

Kralle: Will quests and
give players different choices to solve them leading into a different
path in said quest/challenge (dynamic quests, so to speak)?

style="font-weight: bold;">A:
The story is fairly linear.  Missions change depending on the
archetype, but we want people to all end up in the same place.

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Different worlds and
cultures are sure to mean unique architecture.

Kralle: Do we need to
suck-up to "higher beings?"

style="font-weight: bold;">A: The players are
the heroes of the story.

Kralle: Will items like
clothing, weapons, artifacts, talismans and the like have a strong
impact on abilities and skills?

style="font-weight: bold;">A: They have an
important effect on your combat ability.

18.    Will there be any voice overs or

in the game
anyone who was in the show?

style="font-weight: bold;">A: Yes, many
characters from the show (and not from the show) are voiced.

d3athre1gns style="font-weight: bold;">: Will there be any vehicles for
travel [like horses in other games] in the game?

style="font-weight: bold;">A: No. 
Travel through Stargates and rings helps us out quite a bit here.

d3athre1gns style="font-weight: bold;">: How will dying be handled in
the game.

style="font-weight: bold;">A: You don’t die;
you become incapacitated and you revive in a med tent. There is a mild
penalty but not very much.

Visit the VIP Access portal.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016