STO Devlog Entry 4.0 - "Polling the Crew"

by on Nov 13, 2007

<strong>Best omitted question: What's really the trouble with tribbles?</strong> There's a new developer log for Star Trek online out today. Read all about what the crew thinks about Star Trek in this feature. <blockquote>Welcome back to the STO Dev

Best omitted question: What's really the trouble with tribbles?

There's a new developer log for Star Trek online out today. Read all about what the crew thinks about Star Trek in this feature.

Welcome back to the STO DevLog, our regular look into the development of Star Trek Online, the only game that dares to reveal what happens when good tribbles go bad!

This month we thought it would be fun to peer into the minds of the STO team, to find out what they think about Star Trek. Surveys were sent out, and answers were sent in... by the crate load. Here's just a small sampling of we like to call:

Read the rest at the Star Trek online forums.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016