STO Reveals New Starship

by on May 01, 2009

Cryptic gave Star Trek fans a special treat today in revealing an additional ship type in their upcoming space based MMO game Star Trek Online. The type VII class doesn't sound quite as sleek as...

Cryptic gave Star Trek fans a special treat today in revealing an additional ship type in their upcoming space based MMO game Star Trek Online. The type VII class doesn't sound quite as sleek as one of the Federation battleships but it serves it's purpose as strong commercial and scientific ship. It appears the game is shaping up to provide plenty of options.

The Type VII is most often used for scientific purposes, rather than transport or defense. It is equipped with limited weaponry, and upgrading the offensive capabilities of a Type VII ship come at the cost of limiting power for sensors and laboratories. However, that has not stopped some captains from adding additional weapons. Captains are warned not to assume that a Type VII will be ill-equipped for battle.

Tons more about the Type VII over at Cryptic's official site.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016