Stratics PotBS Interview with Rick Saada

by on May 08, 2008

<p><strong>I know I want to do that for a living...</strong></p>

I know I want to do that for a living...

Stratics caught up with Rick Saada, one of the co-founders of Flying Lab Software to talk about Pirates of the Burning Sea in general. Here's some of what he had to say:

Which aspect of Pirates of the Burning Sea brings you the greatest personal satisfaction?

Rick Saada: Ironically, a lot of my job satisfaction came in before we even shipped! I'm the tools guy, so I don't have to wait for the game to ship for people to use my work. I get a new feature in, and people downstairs are using it the next day. The "you totally saved me days of work with that feature" comments are the ones that make my day.

On the other hand, it was pretty darn fun standing on the docks in the starter zones on ship day welcoming poeple to the game. Knowing that thousands of people are out there playing the game we worked so hard to make is pretty darn cool.

Read the full interview here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016