SW:TOR - The Madalorians Return and "Threat of Peace Enters" Act 2

by on Jul 03, 2009

<p><em>Star Wars: The Old Republic's</em> comic "<em><a href="http://www.swtor.com/media/webcomic/act2?comicpage=1#/1/" target="_blank">Threat of Peace</a></em>" has just entered act 2 and the storyline is continuing on as the march to beta and launch c

Star Wars: The Old Republic's comic "Threat of Peace" has just entered act 2 and the storyline is continuing on as the march to beta and launch continues. On the frontlines of the battle for Balmorra, a lone Jedi Knight will be faced with a decision to support a treaty, or abandon it in the hopes of saving a group of captured Republic soldiers.

However, the comic isn't the only update. The Mandalorians have returned and a new video chronicles their return and explains some of the history between the Mandalorians, Jedi, and the Republic.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016