SWG: Chapter 7 Interview

by on Nov 02, 2007

<strong>Tim Temmerman sounds remarkably like Tim Timmerman.</strong> IGN sits down with LucasArts Producer Jake Neri and Associate Producer Tim Temmerman to discuss the many changes in Star Wars Galaxies latest chapter update.

Tim Temmerman sounds remarkably like Tim Timmerman.

IGN sits down with LucasArts Producer Jake Neri and Associate Producer Tim Temmerman to discuss the many changes in Star Wars Galaxies latest chapter update.

Star Wars Galaxies is the online world based on the famed property that has expanded far beyond its cinematic origins. A collaboration between developer Sony Online Entertainment and publisher LucasArts, it takes place during the Galactic Civil War in a game universe that includes the planets named above plus Han Solo's homeworld of Corellia, Yavin 4 where the first Death Star was destroyed, Dathomir, Lok, Rori and Talus. Players can select from professions such as Jedi, Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, Commander, Trader and Medic, and can also take part in a space combat element where skilled pilots can introduce adversaries to the taste of their blasters. Updates are introduced on a regular basis; the major ones, known as Chapters, launch roughly every couple of months. LucasArts Producer Jake Neri and Associate Producer Tim Temmerman agreed to tell us about next one.

Read the interview at IGN.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016