Sword of the New World Review

by on Aug 20, 2007

<strong>Broken English, frenzied combat, and Victorian-era giant spiders is where it's at.</strong>

Broken English, frenzied combat, and Victorian-era giant spiders is where it's at.

For the last few years, individuals within the gaming industry have complained that the gameplay in our standard MMOGs has stagnated, continuing along a path that was carved years ago by the first massively multiplayer games. With that in mind, developers have recently begun to journey down more creative routes and exploring more ambitious goals. Sword of the New World: Granado Espada was one of those new games, and allows the player to control a group of three characters rather than just one individual avatar. Read through Cody "Micajah" Bye's thorough review of the game to see if the new character system really took MMOG gaming to a New World!

That said, I found the MCC system to be quite intriguing and I spent most of my time reviewing Sword of the New World playing through the game and trying to become skilled at the concept of using special powers with three characters at the same time. At first, I didn't realize that the hotkeys were each on a different letter row, so I'd constantly throw fireballs instead of healing my characters. Eventually, I got the hang of it and was comfortable engaging in some PvP action.

Read the whole review right here at Ten Ton Hammer.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016