SWTOR - Five Little Known Facts about Patch 1.3

by on Jun 26, 2012

<p>While there are a lot of big changes for <em>SWTOR</em> players in patch 1.3, there are smaller changes to the game that will have an impact. Swtorhub.com takes a look at five little known facts about patch 1.3.</p>

Patch 1.3 for SWTOR is packed full with a lot of big changes for the game; enough to keep hopeful Jedi and Sith coming back for more adventures throughout the galaxy. Swotrhub.com has taken a thorough examination of these big changes from the new group finder, ranked warzones, and other features, such as legacy perks, adaptive armor, and the new augment system. All of these changes are well and good, but there other, smaller changes found in patch 1.3 to SWTOR that will have an impact upon players.

Fourth on our list of little known facts of patch 1.3 is a modification to the targeting system in SWTOR. Players can enable a new feature of targeting that will allow them to see the next potential enemy that will be targeted after the current target. There is also an option to have the targeting go from left to right across the screen. To access this new targeting option, you'll have to open your preferences panel, go to 'Control', and then scroll down to 'Combat' and click which options you wish to enable. Don't forget to then click the 'Apply' button to lock the changes in.

Head over to Swtorhub.com to continue reading the Five Little Known Facts about Patch 1.3.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016