Tabula Rasa: Answering Demands for Playable Aliens at Wired

by on Jan 29, 2008

<strong>This, of course, will prompt Fox to accuse Tabula Rasa of "graphical pornographic depictions of alien sex-- with <em>yourself</em>."</strong>

This, of course, will prompt Fox to accuse Tabula Rasa of "graphical pornographic depictions of alien sex-- with yourself."

Wired got Paul Sage, Tabula Rasa's Lead Designer, to comment on the possibility of playing as an Alien Hybrid.

When Tabula Rasa was released, the gaming community was swift to express its dismay that the only playable race in the game was human. The design team, smart folks that they are, paid attention.

"We took some of that feedback and we ran with it," says Paul Sage, the game's lead designer. The result is that as of version 1.4, which should be available some time this week, you can finally play as a Brann, Forean, or Thrax. Sort of.

The characters are actually human/alien hybrids. "You use the DNA from the aliens to augment yourself," explains Sage. Adding aliens to the playable roster was always part of the plan for Tabula Rasa, but the community feedback inspired the team to include it "a little earlier than we thought we would."

Continue reading the story at Wired, and then join the forum discussion.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016