Tabula Rasa: Friday Night Fights Q & A

by on Jul 21, 2008

<p>The longest continuously running community event in Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa has to be Friday Night Fights.

The longest continuously running community event in Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa has to be Friday Night Fights. Begun during the games's Beta phase, the Friday evening boxing match continues, 9 months after release. This week, Tabula Rasa's Community Coordinator, Amy “Critters” Crider, takes the time to answer a few questions concerning this popular in-game event.

Richard Garriott, our executive producer, played the game regularly and frequently interacted with players during beta. He came across a small mini-game where players would use hand-to-hand combat to beat each other up during their downtime. He even went a few rounds with them with his General British character. April “CuppaJo” Burba and I caught wind of this and thought it would be a great event to run for the last few Fridays in beta. We found the perfect combination was to invite level 4 players to the lower level town, Alia Das, to box each other. Because we would be boxing with bare hands, armor was not allowed. That, and as we all know, players will find any reason to strip down to their skivvies!

Friday Night Fights Q & A

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016