Tabula Rasa: Kotaku Tackles Hybrids

by on Feb 05, 2008

<strong>Fuel efficient, blue-- what more could you want?</strong> Kotaku examines the hybrids of Tabula Rasa in this recent video/news post feature.

Fuel efficient, blue-- what more could you want?

Kotaku examines the hybrids of Tabula Rasa in this recent video/news post feature.

Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa has from the start been a story about humanity, but since before the game launched players have been clamoring to play something outside of generic human number five. The lack of character diversity is one of the main things I didn't like about the game, but that's all changed now. Patch 1.4 saw the introduction of human alien hybrids - human characters spliced with alien DNA to create something entirely new. Thrax, Brann, and Forean hybrids, each with unique stat bonuses, are unlocked via quests that start at level 15.

Continue reading at Kotaku.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016