Tabula Rasa Launch Images

by on Nov 02, 2007

<p>The launch of Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa is finally here at long last! While a number of people have enjoyed a three day head start with their pre-order, today marks the occasion when everyone can join the fun. What excitement awaits players and ho

The launch of Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa is finally here at long last! While a number of people have enjoyed a three day head start with their pre-order, today marks the occasion when everyone can join the fun. What excitement awaits players and how effective will they be against the on going Bane assault? Only time will tell, but the courage of the men and woman of AFS is nothing to underestimate, so we'll see you on the battlefield!!

In celebration of the official launch, NCsoft has released some amazing screenshots of the game which many Bothans died to bring us... Enjoy!

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href="" title="Wings4"> src="/image/view/14173/preview"
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Be sure to visit our Tabula Rasa site and forums for more information.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016