Techno Beat-Down – A Perpetuum Online Preview

by on Jun 03, 2010

I dislike making comparisons between games, especially when describing a new game, even though it is often easier to use a familiar point of reference to set the scene of a developing world.  D

I dislike making comparisons between games, especially when describing
a new game, even though it is often easier to use a familiar point of
reference to set the scene of a developing world.  Despite my
dislike for comparisons, I still need to say that style="font-style: italic;">Perpetuum Online is
highly reminiscent of EVE
. Sure, there are robots instead of spaceships and
terra firma instead of the vast cosmos of outer space but the overall
feel is very much in the vein of what may very well be style="font-style: italic;"> EVE’s spiritual

If I had a dime for every MMOG player

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I’ve spoken to who has expressed
a strong interest in a mech-based gamed, I could probably buy…well, a
really nice dinner. The sentiment is out there and even
evident here on our forums. While I don’t doubt the validity of these
player’s desires, I do wonder wether they’ll be partial to the
hyper-competitive style of gameplay that style="font-style: italic;">Perpetuum Online
looks to bring to life. Hungarian based developer Avatar Creations is
betting that they will be and, from the looks of the game so far, I
wouldn’t bet against them.

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Skill ups and loadouts are done in a docking

The most striking similarity between style="font-style: italic;">EVE and style="font-style: italic;">Perpetuum, at least
from a casual observer’s standpoint, is also one of the most key
differences. I know that sounds like a huge contradiction but allow me
to explain. Both games use an advancement model that is skill-based and
not dependent on grinding mobs but rather gaining points that are
accrued over time. What makes Perpetuum
different is that there is no pre-assigning of which skills gain points
but that points are accumulated in a lump sum and can be assigned by
the player to the skill they choose after they are earned. While I
would never be mistaken for a die-hard EVE player, from my perspective
this is a much improved way of handling skill points from both a
flexibility standpoint and a practical standpoint – I too often found
myself forgetting to log in and set up my next batch of skill sets in style="font-style: italic;">EVE, leaving me
even further behind in the asteroid-laced dust of my hardcore friends.

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Formable terrain and vegetation are an intergral
part of the landscape .

The world of Perpetuum
is massive in its size and aspirations, with
features such as formable terrain, vegetation that can be altered and
modified by the player, and large quantities of raw materials that fuel
a robust crafting system. Economy and community look to take on as big
of a role, if not even more a more critical one, as combat itself.

Starting players will go through a character creation screen where they
choose a human avatar, which is currently not the most aesthetically
pleasing aspect of the game by a long shot (keep in mind this is still
in beta, and  human models in a robot game are probably pretty
low on the priority meter).  At the time of character creation
you also choose which Megacorporation you will be affiliated with,
either the Asian based Asintech, the North American firm of Truhold
Markson or European Union born ICS, which stands for Institute of
Corporate Security. Players will also pick one of three schools (nine
total, schools are tied to the Megacorp you ally with), one of three
specialties and a specific corporation arm within the Megacorp. All of
these choices combine to affect your starting skills and attributes.

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alt="Perpetuum Online"

Combat, from a panned out perspective.

Once your choices have been made you are introduced to the game world
in your robot form, sitting just outside of a large high tech base. The
graphics here are crisp and clean with a resolution that implies that
the game should be played at a relatively widely panned camera angle.
Minute detail isn’t superb, but it really doesn’t need to be at this
point as overall textures and elements look sharp when zoomed
out.  Players can elect to enter a three phase tutorial that
will give a quick overview of the game’s major themes – combat and
resource gathering--as well as the basics on your robot controls and

Modularity is a key element of Perpetuum
, from the UI frames (which are all initially hidden
and can be displayed and arranged in any configuration you desire), to
robot design, which shares another commonality with style="font-style: italic;">EVE in that picking
the proper loadout and modules will have a huge bearing on how
successful your in game endeavors will be. The learning curve is felt
right off the bat as your starting vessel is fairly week and the
process of gaining the recourses and skill needed to upgrade is a
fairly slow and arduous one (at least for this old fart;  you
whippersnapper EVE
vets may not find it so daunting).

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Missions offer good rewards, but with considerable

Exploring the immediately adjacent environs of the starting area will
introduce you to the landscape and several versions of NPC drones,
which range from the farmable to formidable. It doesn’t take long to
learn that caution and discretion should be your guiding principles
here as these aren’t level 1 rats or snakes but actual foes that fight
back with some teeth. Patience is rewarded, especially early on as you
get accustomed to the world and accrue some skill points to beef up
your arsenal.

The promise of a brave new world, a dynamic and user shaped economy
with political connections, may not be the average gamer’s cup of tea,
but for the target audience that Avatar Creations is aiming to
capture,  Perpetuum
has a bright future.  Stay tuned to Ten
Ton Hammer for more news and features on style="font-style: italic;">Perpetuum.

To learn more about Perpetuum Online visit their website at

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016