Ten Ton Hammer’s 2011 MMOG Predictions

by on Dec 27, 2010

What lies ahead for the MMOG community in 2011? Wonder no more, friends, for the staffers here at Ten Ton Hammer have made some bold predictions for the upcoming year!

What lies ahead for the MMOG community in 2011? Wonder no more, friends, for the staffers here at Ten Ton Hammer have made some bold predictions for the upcoming year! Our keen gazes peered deeply into the murky depths of our crystal balls (or Magic 8 Balls) to see what will be. Read on to see if you agree with our staff’s foresight!

Facebook games are a scourge upon this world, but there comes another important realization--Facebook is the PC Market now. And as such, so many games and so many applications will be developed specifically around it. A recent Square Enix newsletter about upcoming games listed one console game and three Facebook games.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016