Ten Ton Hammer's Review of Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa

by on Dec 04, 2007

The weeks of waiting are over and an official score has been set! Ten Ton Hammer's official review of Tabula Rasa has hit the presses, and it includes an in-depth analysis of the components of the game, whether its the Character Cloning System or oft-ment

The weeks of waiting are over and an official score has been set! Ten Ton Hammer's official review of Tabula Rasa has hit the presses, and it includes an in-depth analysis of the components of the game, whether its the Character Cloning System or oft-mentioned Logos. After spending hours in the game, Cody "Micajah" Bye describes the quality of the gameplay while also taking a look at the game's faults and flaws.

Once you've engaged your enemy in mortal combat, you have several options at your fingertips. First, it's often best to find a nice piece of cover to hide behind. By finding a nice log or rock to hide behind, you'll automatically take less damage from the enemies weaponry. If you can kneel behind that cover, you're in an even better position because you'll then be issuing the full damage alloted for your particular weapon. Riflemen take note, kneeling or crouching is almost a necessity when using your weaponry because of the high percentage that is automatically taken off the top due to poor accuracy while standing. Finding cover is a decent strategic element that has been placed within the game, but I found that the most interesting aspect was trying to uncover which of my weapons would be most effective in particular situations.

Read on for this insightful review and be sure to stop by the forums to discuss it.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016