TERA's Patrick Wyatt Talks Security, Lag, and Digital Rivers Deal

by on Sep 01, 2010

<p>En Masse COO Patrick Wyatt recently joined TERAHispano to talk about about the upcoming MMORPG, <a href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/taxonomy/term/2339"><em>TERA</em></a>.

En Masse COO Patrick Wyatt recently joined TERAHispano to talk about about the upcoming MMORPG, TERA. Wyatt touched on a number of topics in the interview, addressing concerns about lag, the recent deal with Digital River, the publishing deal with Frogster, security concerns, and the game's possible M-rating at launch. Wyatt also detailed plans to deal with chat spam, griefing, hacking and harassment without using programs such as GameGuard.

Having seen firsthand the types of tech-support problems that intrusive, client-based, anti-hacking technologies like GameGuard cause, there’s no way we’re going to cause that kind of grief for TERA players. The top hackers in the world know how to bypass anything that’s done by the game client, so we don’t believe that this is the right approach.

Luckily, the team over at En Masse seem to have a few ideas on how to address some of the common in-game issues that plague new MMORPGs at launch and Wyatt talks about a few of those in more detail. Check out the full interview at TERAHispano.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016