That Really Grinds My Gears: Top 5 Pet Peeves in World of Warcraft

by on Mar 21, 2014

Five little in-game annoyances that manage to successfully grind the gears of many players.

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In the famous words of Peter Griffin,
“you know what really grinds my gears”? In the real world, there
are many things; people who can't park, taking more than one or two
pennies from the penny cup, hangnails, and the barking of small yappy
dogs, just to name a few. The virtual world is no different, holding
tons of tiny pet peeves that have vexed myself and the rest of the
World of Warcraft community since the creation of the game.

These small breaches of conduct are
nothing serious, however, they are enough to make most players
headdesk in frustration. There are probably literally thousands of
tiny pet peeves we each have in World of Warcraft, but some stand out
above the rest. Here are my personal top five picks for the biggest
pet peeves in World of Warcraft:

Top 5 Pet Peeves in World of Warcraft

Standing on NPCs and/or Mailboxes

Let me set the scene for you: you are
innocently wandering into town to turn in a quest, or maybe you want
to mail off some items. You casually stroll up to the NPC or mailbox
you desire and attempt to click on it only to discover that it has
been overrun by another player. Even worse is when it is not just one
player, but a whole horde of them. You click and click some more to
no avail. You just can't turn in that quest or open that mailbox no
matter how hard you try. The player(s) don't move, you are stuck
waiting and growing more and more frustrated by the minute.

I understand that it is easy to accidentally
cover up an NPC or mailbox, but it is really worth the
little effort it would take to avoid it. No one likes waiting around
because some inconsiderate person couldn't stand in front of the
thing and not on top of it. Of course, some people do this just to
spite other players, usually on top of giant mounts. As for those
players, well...there just might be a special place in gaming hell
waiting for them.

alt="Tauren on Mailbox" />

Trade Chat

Everyone in Trade Chat. You know who
you are and the rest of the World of Warcraft community knows exactly
what I am talking about. Nothing more really needs to be said. Trade
Chat has become the Barrens Chat of all major cities. No one in the
history of the channel has used actually used it for it's intended
purpose and those that do are quickly run out of the channel. Trade
Chat is a cesspool of trolls like no other, full of bad jokes, snarky
remarks, and the occasional racial slur. Nothing grinds my gears
quite like Trade Chat, which is why I have either left the channel or
totally and utterly pretend it doesn't exist on nearly all of my

Standing in Fire

Standing in fire or any other nasty
thing on the ground during a raid or dungeon is one pet peeve that
just refuses to go away. Sure, there are occasions where it is
totally accidental or can' t be avoided, but most of the time there
is just no excuse. It seems that some players are just magnetically
drawn to anything that will kill them or are determined to get
themselves killed in the quickest way possible.

I firmly believe that even if bad stuff
on the ground was impossible not to notice, there would still be some
poor soul who would manage to miss it somehow. I am not by any means
saying I am perfect, I have stood in fire, lava, and even poison on
more than a few occasions. However, I do try to avoid it. Others seem
to embrace the hurt and I am left shaking my head and wondering if
they just can't see the things they are standing in or they just
don't care.

alt="Tauren in Fire" />


There is always that one person, you
know the one I'm talking about, he or she is in some kind of big
hurry and tries to rush the raid along. Every time they type it is to
chastise the raid for being slow or to offer up some tidbit of
brilliant advice like “MOVE FASTER” or “GOGOGOGOGO”, because
yelling these things at the raid will totally speed things up.

Sometimes these characters even take
matters into their own hands and decide to pull mobs and bosses on
their own, even if they aren't the tank. Usually, they are left to
die and the whole raid secretly LOL. Who needs to be in this big of a
hurry? No one, and if you are, you should at least try to be polite
about it. Those that do this earn many a death stare from behind
various computer screens.

Ready Check?

Another raid based pet peeve is the
missed ready check. How hard is it to click “ready” on a ready
check? According to my personal experiences, pretty darn hard. You
know every time a ready check is thrown up, someone is going to miss
it, even if they aren't AFK. The excuses for this vary; picking their
nose, petting the dog, or rearranging their bags, but someone will
always miss it. The worst part is, ready checks take time to actually

So not only is your raid is left
waiting, but you eventually discover, after the end of the ready
check, that the person was not AFK after all. /Facepalm. This means
another ready check, which could mean another person (or the same
one) will miss it once again and thus the viscous cycle continues.

That wraps up my list of personal picks of pet
peeves in World of Warcraft. What are some small, albeit annoying, things
that really grind your gears in the game? Do any of your picks match
mine? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016