That which has no life

on Aug 04, 2011

<p>Well... as you all know <i>(if you've been reading this blog... and I know you have...)</i> then we redid our raidscores, because we finally had Cataclysm bosses provided to us via the Armory! It only took 8 months after the release of Cataclysm to get

Well... as you all know (if you've been reading this blog... and I know you have...) then we redid our raidscores, because we finally had Cataclysm bosses provided to us via the Armory! It only took 8 months after the release of Cataclysm to get them :D.

Anyways, we have a new leader on the scoreboards, Ataxus with 11317 RaidScore. Holy Cataclysmic Dragon, batman! Ataxus must have raided every single day of his life to get a score that high. I wonder if his flesh has fused with his PC and now he is a super trapper-keeper abomination? I'm not sure, but either way, Congrats for your hard work Ataxus!

Now... as for you other slackers! Get in there and start killing some more Ragnaros so you can catch up. Personally... I'm not going to invite anyone to my group unless they have at least 11300 RaidScore :P

RaidScore Scoreboards

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016