The Agency: E3 Preview at IGN

by on Jul 16, 2007

<strong>Spies, spies everywhere.</strong> IGN takes a fresh look at The Agency. <cite>While Sony's The Agency will have its fair share of fetch quests, the fresh espionage setting, a breath of fresh air from the hundreds of fantasy- and space-themed

Spies, spies everywhere.

IGN takes a fresh look at The Agency.

While Sony's The Agency will have its fair share of fetch quests, the fresh espionage setting, a breath of fresh air from the hundreds of fantasy- and space-themed online games, sets the stage for a little something different. Missions can be done solo or with a partner, though the latter is being touted as the preferred method. Teammates can revive fallen comrades as well as provide much more reliable cover fire than their AI counterparts.

Check it out at IGN.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016