The Agency: Hal Milton Interview

by on Sep 24, 2007

<strong>Shaken, not stirred.</strong> IGN recently put up an interview with Hal Milton, Lead Designer for SOE's upcoming spy-themed MMO "The Agency," which reveals some new details and interesting info about the game.

Shaken, not stirred.

IGN recently put up an interview with Hal Milton, Lead Designer for SOE's upcoming spy-themed MMO "The Agency," which reveals some new details and interesting info about the game.

Hal Milton: The Agency is a game that allows players to live the lives of elite Agents. The world is one in the very near future, where spies, mercenaries and their agencies are ubiquitous, to the point that even the general public is bored by some of their antics... until, of course, stuff starts to blow up. Players will experience tactical action shooter gameplay, a host of non-combat activities, and develop their own agencies through a roster of collectable operatives who live to analyze intel, build the latest weapons, gadgets and vehicles, and go all over the world to unlock, assist or otherwise give the player new missions and fun to pursue.

Head over to IGN and check it out.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016