The Art of Tabula Rasa

by on Sep 17, 2007

<p>IGN sits down with Art Production Director Victor Meinert and Art Director John Mueller to discuss their backgrounds, concepts, and why women in Tabula Rasa are outside of what we normally see in MMOG's. Come on, you know what I'm talking about...</p>

IGN sits down with Art Production Director Victor Meinert and Art Director John Mueller to discuss their backgrounds, concepts, and why women in Tabula Rasa are outside of what we normally see in MMOG's. Come on, you know what I'm talking about...

The Bane soldiers have had one major redesign over the last three years. Originally, we had bugs... they seemed cool. Starship Troopers had bugs, and Aliens had them, but when we actually had them on screen in Tabula Rasa, it just didn't work, and you couldn't really take it as far as you would think.

Read the rest of this fascinating interview over at IGN.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016