The Black Book of Ettenmoor - Part 2

by on Jun 27, 2007

The Black Book of Ettenmoor - Part 2: Quests Continued

- by Orc of Nimrodel

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(skip to The Black Book of Ettenmoor - Part 3: Deeds and Accomplishments)


Dwarf-Beards [Repeatable][<unknown>]

“The Snowreap long struggled against the remnant of the dwarves in the Misty Mountains. Even now, they dislike the thought of dwarves being so close to their home. As allies to Angmar’s Army they are permitted to speak on behalf of any who aid them.”

Obtain: Fim the Worm at Dâr-gazag

Objective: Collect dwarf-beards (20)

Completion: Return to Fim the Worm at Dâr-gazag

Reward: 500 Destiny Points

Notes: I recommend some heavy duty rubber gloves for this quest; dwarves believe that their power comes from their beards and that washing them diminishes that power, therefore many have never washed their beards in their lives. There’s also that old dwarven insult to take into consideration, “I defecate upon thy beard!” which many dwarves have been known to make good on. Luckily, dwarves are rather rare in the Ettenmoors and thus you don’t often have to put up with their stench (unless you’re carrying around 20 of their beards in a sack…). If you must find these guys, I recommend checking out any keeps currently under Free People control, you’ll usually find one or two (apparently even freeps find the stench of dwarves so repulsive they can’t stand having more than a few around).

Dwarfs in the Mine [Repeatable][<unknown>]

“Goblins complain that the mine is overrun by dwarves, and they are not pleased by the intrusion. They bid you to enter the Isendeep to slaughter the dwarf-miners.”

Obtain: Gasham at Grothum

Objective: Defeat Isendeep Miner (10)

Completion: Return to Gasham at Grothum

Reward: 250 Destiny Points

Notes: Apparently Gasham has gotten into Bok’s hobbit toe stash and is now hallucinating that there’s dwarves in the Isendeep mines. Unfortunately for you, he won’t give you credit for slaying imaginary dwarves. If you want to help Gasham out, you’re going to have to wait until Isendeep is under Free People control at which point dwarves will begin to migrate into the mines to die.

Gobbled Goblins [Repeatable][<unknown>]

“Gasham conveyed a tale of goblin-miners and goblins out and about from the village attacked by drakes stalking down from the mountain. He asked for your assistance in ridding the peaks of the beasts.”

Obtain: Gasham at Grothum

Objective: Defeat Wintersebb Drake (8); Defeat Wintersebb Drakeling (8)

Completion: Return to Gasham at Grothum

Reward: 750 Destiny Points

Notes: Ah, what would Melko say if he saw his own creations turning on eachother. Apparently these drakes have forgotten whose side they were originally on, or perhaps goblins are just too tasty to resist, either way it up to you to set them straight. Don’t expect an epic battle in the struggle between evil versus neutral here, these guys just aren’t all that epic. Drakelings are classified as “elite” with about 9,500 morale while the Drakes are “elite master” with about 22,000 morale (apparently that “master” part makes them feel twice as good about themselves). A full fellowship should be more than sufficient to accomplish this petty task.

Menace in the Mines [Repeatable][1h 30m]

“Cave-claw dig through the stone and threaten the goblins working the Isendeep near Grothum. The leaders of the village implored you as an ally to the Snowreap to assist them in destroying the terrible little creatures.”

Obtain: Bok at Grothum

Objective: Defeat Frostfell Fel-talon (10); Defeat Frostfell Earth-mover (10)

Completion: Return to Bok at Grothum

Reward: 500 Destiny Points

Notes: I’m sure we all recall our days as freeps, killing level 1 cave claws for the good of the Free People. Well, the only thing that’s changed is that you’re now killing them for the good of evil, and they’re 49 levels higher. These critters apparently enjoy both cold dark caves and open sunny plains as you’ll find them all over Isendeep mines as well as the southern ridge of Arador’s End just up the cliff north of Tol Ascarnen. They do like to hang out in groups, but assuming you don’t just run blindly into a fight you should be able to pull singles easily enough.

Tasty Little Toes [Repeatable][2h 00m]

“Bok captured himself one of the rat-folk one day, and he has proven a great asset. His toes tasted good when the goblin ate one, but the little man is a better cook than anything, and so they keep him alive to cook their meals. But this does not deter Bok from wanting to eat more rat-folk toes.”

Obtain: Bok at Grothum

Objective: Collect hobbit-feet (10)

Completion: Return to Bok at Grothum

Reward: 250 Destiny Points

Notes: Hobbit feet are, ironically, obtained from hobbits. And of course, the best place to find hobbits is in Pleasantville—er, I mean Hoarhallow. Not quite sure how Bok managed to capture a hobbit when Hoarhallow is in the far south-western corner of the map while Grothum is in the far north-eastern corner, but in the Ettenmoors you learn not to ask too many questions.


Raid: Grounding Golloval [Repeatable][<unknown>]

“Taskmaster Bázqhosh wants you to ensure that the threat posed by the eagles and their leader, Golloval, are diminished. He has ordered you to gather a great number and assail the eagle-lord at his eyrie in Arador’s End.”

Obtain: Taskmaster Bárzqhosh at Isendeep

Objective: Defeat Golloval

Completion: Return to Taskmaster Bárzqhosh at Isendeep

Reward: 750 Destiny Points

Notes: Don’t think of Golloval as a bird, think of him more as a very small dragon, with feathers. He’s classified as a nemesis (“You’ll never get me, Batman! This bird’s gotta fly!”), has a little under 43,000 morale, and enjoys long walks on the beach. You'll find him slacking off just outside of Isendeep, in a little dead-end crevice just north-west of all the drakes. If you’re planning on murdering the fellow, bring a couple fellowships.

Slaughtering Eagles [Repeatable][1h 30m]

“Taskmaster Izubuzri communicated that he wants proof that you killed many eagles. Apparently the eagles are too free with where they perch.”

Obtain: Taskmaster Izubuzri at Isendeep

Objective: Collect Sun-touched tailfeathers (20)

Completion: Return to Taskmaster Izubuzri at Isendeep

Reward: 500 Destiny Points

Notes: Apparently the eagles in the Ettenmoors are mating like pigeons, and as the good humanitarian (or would it be orcitarian?) you are, you feel it’s your duty to kill them before they die of starvation. As the saying goes, “helping the environment starts in your own backyard”, and sure enough there’s a camp of eagles in the center of Arador’s End right outside of Isendeep, just north-west of the drakes and past the polar bears. Just make sure you don’t attack Golloval, that is, unless, your goal is to kill yourself. If you’re up for a walk, then head for the eastern edge of the Coldfells and you’ll find more eagles than you can swing an axe at. Feel free to stock up on tailfeathers as there’s a couple other quests that use these.

Tools for the Mine [Repeatable][1h 30m]

“Your war-host claims to have enough metal now that the mine is in-service and under your control, but the picks used by the goblins are dulled with time and the wood rots out from their hands.”

Obtain: Taskmaster Bárzqhosh at Isendeep

Objective: Collect Grimwood-kindling (20)

Completion: Return to Taskmaster Bárzqhosh at Isendeep

Reward: 500 Destiny Points

Notes: Personally, when I think of kindling, I think of low quality twigs and branches. It’s no surprise that their tools are rotting out of their hands if this is what they build them from. But, if that’s what they want I’m not going to argue, just head south to Grimwood and loot fallen timber, fallen logs, and fallen saplings and you’ll find plenty of kindling. If you can’t handle the competition over harvesting points or merely want to subject yourself to torture, feel free to head further south and murder the Leafcullers in that area, just stick to the small ones if you’re alone as the big ones are made of hurt and pain (and probably wood).


Guards of Tirith Rhaw [Repeatable][<unknown>]

“Tirith Rhaw stands in the east, near the camp of the Free Peoples at Ost Ringdyr. The tower is under the control of the Free Peoples, and you are tasked with killing the guards in the area.”

Obtain: Soldier Gazlup at Lugazag

Objective: Defeat guards at Tirith Rhaw (20)

Completion: Return to Soldier Gazlup at Lugazag

Reward: 500 Destiny Points

Notes: Now why Gazlup would order me to kill the guards at Tirith Rhaw when it’s under our control, I don’t know, but I just can’t bring myself to carry out his orders no matter how hard I click (literally, I just can’t attack them). However, if you wait until the tower is under the control of the Free People, then you can murder all their guards and Gazlup seems satisfied. You may want to bring three or four friends, as most of the guards are defender types and like to attack in groups being the cowards that they are.

Leader of the Rat-Folk [Repeatable][<unknown>]

“When the Rat-folk in the south were discovered, they scored a blow against the scouts who found them, slaughtering all but one. The leader of the rat-folk village was responsible for the attack, and Taskmaster Fikdag thinks that you can assist with extracting vengeance.”

Obtain: Taskmaster Fikdag at Dâr-gazag

Objective: Defeat Mayor Wat Mudbottom

Completion: Return to Taskmaster Fikdag at Dâr-gazag

Reward: 250 Destiny Points

Notes: Mayor Wat Mudbottom is the kind of guy who’s practically begging you to kill him. Sitting there all smug in front of his little house in the center of town, with its little spire sticking out of its’ roof just screaming “I’m better than everyone else here”. He’s usually standing next to his Gardener, probably shouting orders at him in broken fragments of a foreign language. For some reason he’s a bit stronger than your average hobbit and classified as a “defender” (only thing he’s ever defended has probably been his yard from the neighborhood kids), so bring a friend or two if you’re planning on taking him down.

Set in Stone [Repeatable][1h 30m]

“Enemies assail the walls of Lugazag often. Trolls are clumsy and strong and often throw enemy soldiers through walls, shattering the stone therein and making holes in the stonework that must be repaired. Fortunately, trolls are also dumb and turn to stone in the sunlight.”

Obtain: Soldier Gazlup at Lugazag

Objective: Collect fragments of troll-stone (10); Collect slabs of Troll-stone (10)

Completion: Return to Soldier Gazlup at Lugazag

Reward: 500 Destiny Points

Notes: Surely you’ve seen the Sun-touched Trolls scattered throughout the Ettenmoors. Well, it turns out they serve a higher purpose than scaring off the freeps, they also make lovely garden decorations. If gardening’s not your thing, then feel free to help out ‘ole Gazlup by defacing the statues, they’ll respawn good as new in their static locations every 3-5 minutes anyways.

Tasty Little Legs [Repeatable][2h 00m]

“Though the Rat-folk have proven a thorn in the side of Angmar’s Army, they have also proven a viable source of food. Not only do the rat-folk have seemingly endless food-stores, but their flesh is sweeter than Man’s.”

Obtain: Taskmaster Fikdag at Dâr-gazag

Objective: Collect hobbit-legs (10)

Completion: Return to Taskmaster Fikdag at Dâr-gazag

Reward: 250 Destiny Points

Notes: Well, everyone knows that the best hobbit flesh come from the Shire, but seeing as how Sauron frowns upon his soldiers going AWOL, we’ll just have to make do with what we have in the Ettenmoors. If you look to your south you’ll see Hoarhallow, a pleasant town populated by 100% grade-A hobbit. It’s really quite simple, for every hobbit you kill, you get a leg. Ten legs, ten hobbits. But, hobbits are bipeds, why not two legs each you ask? My theory is that when you rip the leg off it’s like cracking a wishbone, you might as well just keep the bigger half since there’s always more hobbits to harvest legs from.

Walls of Lugazag! [Repeatable][2h 00m]

“Strike down the foe and cast their bodies at the feet of Soldier Gazlup! Lugazag is our possession and the Free People will not own it so long as we fight as one. Find the foe within the walls of the tower and strike them down!”

Obtain: Soldier Gazlup at <unknown>

Objective: <unknown>

Completion: <unknown>

Reward: <unknown>


Tirith Rhaw

Bedding of Bears [Repeatable][2h 00m]

“Soldier Fandmau, stationed at Tirith Rhaw, ordered you to collect the hides of the Morningthaw-bears to use as bedding for the army.”

Obtain: Soldier Fandmau at Tirith Rhaw

Objective: Collect Morningthaw-hides (10)

Completion: Return to Soldier Fandmau at Tirith Rhaw

Reward: 250 Destiny Points

Notes: Really, if you got to Tirith Rhaw and you’ve yet to see the bears, do us all a favor and throw yourself into the slave pits. What good is a blind monster on the battlefield anyways? But, if you simply must know… head north, you’ll find bears; head east, you’ll find bears, head south, you’ll find bears; head further south, you’ll find more bears; head west… not so many bears to the west. Do yourself a favor and stick to killing morningthaw bears, that is, unless you think you’re going to get a brown pelt from a polar bear.

Captain-General Verdantine [Repeatable]

“Târks control the tower on the eastern front of the battlefield of the Ettenmoors. The tower, Tirith Rhaw, is held by the Captain-General Verdantine and must be crushed for Angmar’s Army to drive the enemy to the precipice of destruction.”

Obtain: Soldier Dahámab in Gramsfoot when Free People are in control of Tirith Rhaw

Objective: Defeat Captain-General Verdantine and claim Tirith Rhaw

Completion: Automatically upon defeat of Captain-General Verdantine

Reward: 2000 Destiny Points


Feather for His Cap [Repeatable][2h 00m]

“Not all who rise to military prominence are capable of complete conversations. Trolls, known for their strength, sometimes manage small words. For instance, Taskmaster Núrsufum. Apparently, Taskmaster Núrsufum likes to place feathers in his helmet and wants you to go about getting the feathers he desires.”

Obtain: Taskmaster Núrsufum at Tirith Rhaw

Objective: Collect Sun-touched feathers (10)

Completion: Return to Taskmaster Núrsufum at Tirith Rhaw

Reward: 250 Destiny Points

Notes: Núrsufum does have a rather fine hat, I think he’s going for the red mage look, only he’s gray, and a troll. If you wish to aid his cosplay, then head to the eastern edge of the Coldfells and there you will find your sun-touched tailfeathers (still attached to the sun-touched eagles, unfortunately). However, if all this cosplay is getting you in the mood for some LARP (well, virtual LARP in this case...VARP?) then heed my words, adventurer, for ye may taketh yonder road into the icy norths and pass beyond the lands of Orc. There, ye whilst fordeth the frozen river and battle thine way through ancient dragons…lings… and beyond the domain of the fell bears. Then, ye shall find thyself in the realm of Golloval, king of the eagles (well, more of a governor, a mayor really), and make war upon his kin in yon frozen wastelands. Retrieve thine feathers and return to Núrsufum and surely he will rewardst thee for thy extra effort! Or maybe he won’t, I’d just fight the eagles to the east.

Flay the Free Peoples [Repeatable][1h 30m]

“Soldier Fandmau fears reprisal for the assault of Tirith Rhaw and wants you to attack the Free Peoples quickly before they retaliate.”

Obtain: Soldier Fandmau at Tirith Rhaw

Objective: Slaughter members of the Coldfells army (20)

Completion: Return to Soldier Fandmau at Tirith Rhaw

Reward: 500 Destiny Points

Notes: Yeah… read the title of the quest, if you can’t figure out the objective, maybe monster play isn’t for you. Only point of interest I can think of is that Hoarhallow Farmers and Gardeners don’t count as Free People (I have heard rumors of the Grey Havens being used for slave trafficking, and it is pretty close to the Shire…).

Goldhead Must Die [Repeatable][<unknown>]

“Trolls do not communicate well, as is proving true time and again. You think you were able to piece together a terrible truth from what Taskmaster Galinzarza tried to say. A bear named Goldhead may be aligned with the enemy, and if they act quickly enough, may assist the enemy against the tower.”

Obtain: Taskmaster Núrsufum at Tirith Rhaw

Objective: Defeat Old Goldhead

Completion: Return to Taskmaster Núrsufum at Tirith Rhaw

Reward: 750 Destiny Points

Notes: This is where I’d like to put in some witty comments, but I’ve yet to kill, see, or even look for Goldhead. I’ll update this once I get more info. In the meantime, if you run into this guy, bears will leave you alone if you play dead. Or were you supposed to wave your arms and scream… I don’t remember. Try both, one’s bound to work.

I’ve Got a Theory [Repeatable][2h 00m]

“Soldier Fandmau believes that he can aid in ending the threat posed by the eagles from the north by feeding them troll-stone. How an Orc like this one became a leader is beyond you.”

Obtain: Soldier Fandmau at Tirith Rhaw

Objective: Collect Sacks of Food (5); Collect fragments of troll-stone (5)

Completion: Return to Soldier Fandmau at Tirith Rhaw

Reward: 250 Destiny Points

Notes: Like the rest of you, I was floored by Fandmau’s shear genius when I heard his plan. Tricking eagles into eating stones until they weigh too much to fly? They’d be sitting ducks! Well, I guess they’d still be eagles technically, but the sitting part still stands—er, sits? Anyways, if you want to help Fandmau out, food sacks can be obtained by looting (surprise!) food sacks in Hoarhallow. Or, if you want to make it hard on yourself, you can kill any of the Free People in the Ettenmoors and have a small chance of getting a food sack to drop. As for the stone, pick a direction, walk, and within 30 seconds you’ll see a Sun-touched Troll. These things are usually grouped together in 2’s or 3’s and respawn in about 3-5 minutes after being looted, so if you’re lazy you can just camp a camp of trolls and chisel pieces from them as they spawn, thereby taking away any chance they had of being restored to life and reunited with their families.

Stonewall Fandmau [Repeatable][1h 30m]

“Soldier Fandmau needs stone to repair the holes blasted through the walls of Tirith Rhaw and sent you to find the materials from the trolls caught in the sun.”

Obtain: Soldier Fandmau at Tirith Rhaw

Objective: Collect fragments of troll-stone (10); Collect shards of troll-stone (10); Collect slabs of troll-stone (5)

Completion: Return to Soldier Fandmau at Tirith Rhaw

Reward: 500 Destiny Points


Taste of Elf [Repeatable][1h 30m]

“At Tol Ascarnen, Taskmaster Raulik, explained in his limited capacity that he desired to feat upon Elf-ears.”

Obtain: Taskmaster Raulik at Tol Ascarnen

Objective: Collect Elf-ears (20)

Completion: Return to Taskmaster Raulik at Tol Ascarnen

Reward: 250 Destiny Points

Notes: Yes, this quest giver is in Tol Ascarnen, and yes, the quest he gives is listed under Tirith Rhaw on your log and gives you credit towards your Tirith Rhaw travel deeds. Give him a break, he’s a troll, they get confused easily. Any elf in the Ettenmoors will drop an ear or two per kill. Due south and across the bridge from Tol Ascarnen there lies an elf camp surrounded by weak elven guards, spaced widely apart, and willing to sacrifice their delicious ears to your great and noble cause.

Tol Ascarnen

Armour for the Lessers [Repeatable][1h 30m]

“Quartermaster Apsduf believes that the lesser creatures in Angmar’s army – spiders and Wargs – need armour and thinks that he can assist them by crafting armour from the chitin of the Neekerbreekers nearby.”

Obtain: Quartermaster Apsduf at Tol Ascarnen

Objective: Collect norbog-chitin (20)

Completion: Return to Quartermaster Apsduf at Tol Ascarnen

Reward: 500 Destiny Points

Notes: While I agree with Quartermaster Apsduf that spiders and wargs are, in fact, lesser races, and it is true that they need the armor so enough of them survives the battle that I have something to snack on during the march back to Gramsfoot, I just wish he didn’t want so damn much chitin. You’ll find norbog spawns all over the northern side of Tol Ascarnen isle, and even more north and east across the river. However, you’ll be lucky to get a 50% drop rate on chitin (guess I get a little too eager to kill and don’t leave much of a usable corpse behind when I’m done…). On the bright side, these guys also drop the meat and gizzards which should be saved for use in the quest “Grumbling and Rumbling”.

Fly the Flags [Repeatable][<unknown>]

“Angmar’s command of the Ettenmoors is unquestioned but as the battle rages and the strongholds which the enemy and your army clash over change hands, the flags that show your dominance are taken and destroyed. You must assist the war-host by supplying your quartermasters with the necessary materials.”

Obtain: Quartermaster Apsduf at Tol Ascarnen

Objective: Collect Thistledown-hides (20)

Completion: Return to Quartermaster Apsduf at Tol Ascarnen

Reward: 500 Destiny Points

Notes: These guys are pretty nasty for being herbivores. You can find herds of them grazing just south of Tol Ascarnen, across the river, as well as just south of Dâr-gazag. The grazers are level 48-49 elites while the chargers are level 50 elites. While the grazers are fairly docile (until you bash them over the head with an axe), the chargers will take you down if you invade their personal space, so keep an eye out.

Grumbling and Rumbling [Repeatable][1h 30m]

“Choice food, meat from Men and the rat-folk, goes to the Krahjarn. Quartermaster Apsduf realizes that you need to eat as well, and since the mash cooked at Dâr-gazag doesn’t always reach Tol Ascarnen, he needs help getting dinner for your rumbling bellies.”

Obtain: Quartermaster Apsduf at Tol Ascarnen

Objective: Collect norbog-gizzards (10); Collect Slabs of Norbog Meat (10)

Completion: Return to Quartermaster Apsduf at Tol Ascarnen

Reward: 500 Destiny Points

Notes: While not as tasty as red snapper---I mean rat-folk, it’s a little known fact that norbog gizzard is an aphrodisiac… *starts eyeing those thistledown grazers from that last quest a little differently*. You’ll find these fairly commonly off the norbogs to the north and east of Tol Ascarnen, along with their meat. Hold on to any chitin you find as well, it’s used in the quest “Armour for the Lessers” to make secondary exoskeletons for spiders or something (apparently they’re too good to just settle for one exoskeleton like the rest of us…)

Poisoning the Hoardale [Repeatable][2h 00m]

“War-tyrant Akúlhun provided you with a barrel of poison and a directive. Make your way to the waterfall overlooking the fortress Tol Ascarnen and emptry the barrel into the water. With enough poison, you may force the enemy to leave the wood.”

Obtain: War-Tyrant Akûlhun in Gramsfoot

Objective: Poison the Hoardale River

Completion: Return to War-Tyrant Akûlhun in Gramsfoot

Reward: 250 Destiny Points

Notes: As much as I’m up for a good mass poisoning, I do find it oddly suspicious when the War-tyrant orders me to poison the water supply of a keep held by our own forces. But I digress. Take the barrel ‘o murder with you due south-east out from Gramsfoot until you come to the river (if you went south-east like I told you then you should be more or less at the top of the first waterfall, the one where it’s still wet rather than cold and hard like the heart of the War-tyrant who would order you to kill your own friends). Go for a swim and you’ll get a message saying something about “use the barrel here to betray everyone who ever trusted you”. Do as it says to prove you really are a horrible monster, then return to the War-tyrant to claim the 250 destiny points you sold your soul for. You don’t get credit towards your Tol Ascarnen deeds for doing this quest despite it being listed under the Tol Ascarnen category; what, you expect Trintrû to praise you for poisoning his men?

Raid: Captain-General Mákan of Tol Ascarnen [Repeatable]

“The ancient keep Tol Ascarnen was once home to the Witch-king of Angmar as he returned to Mordor after facing the armies of Glorfindel in the north. The keep long lay in ruins, but still it holds majesty for the minions of Mordirith. You are tasked with assembling a force to liberate the holding from the dwarf who now calls the place home.”

Obtain: Taskmaster Kúf in Gramsfoot when Free People are in control of Tol Ascarnen

Objective: Defeat Captain-General Mákan and claim Tol Ascarnen

Completion: Automatically upon defeat of Captain-General Mákan

Reward: 2000 Destiny Points

Notes: What can I say about Mákan. He’s a dwarf, he lives in a castle surrounded by guards, and his morale is really, really high (probably all that liquid good cheer he’s been drinking). Unfortunately for Mákan, we as reputable monsters simply cannot allow him to defile the Witch-Kings’ summer house with his dwarf stink. Drunks are notoriously difficult to reason with, so be sure to bring a friend or 23 to help talk some sense into him and his rowdy friends.

Storming the Castle [Repeatable][<unknown>]

“Tyrant Uzulthrang is here for battle and only battle. Stationed outside of Tol Ascarnen, the Tyrant pledges that he will fight against the enemy if you prove that you are worthy of his notice.”

Obtain: Tyrant Uzulthrang at the camp to the south-west across the river from Tol Ascarnen, when Free People are in control of the keep

Objective: Collect hobbit-feet (75); Collect legs of Men (75); Collect Elf-ears (75); Collect dwarf-beards (75)

Completion: Return to Tyrant Uzulthrang at the camp to the south-west across the river from Tol Ascarnen, when Free People are in control of the keep

Reward: 2000 Destiny Points

Notes: Now before I make any comments, I’ll come out and admit that I’ve never turned this quest in. There’s just so many dwarf beards and so little dwarves. However, I got to thinking, what exactly does Uzulthrang need all those beards and body parts for? Then it came to me… recombinant freep zombies. Now I don’t have any proof, but I believe that once all of these parts are handed in, Uzulthrang here summons up a horde of these RFZs (hey, 37.5 zombies constitutes a horde… a small horde…poor 0.5 zombie, he tries his best…) and marches upon Tol Ascarnen, slaughtering all who stand before him. I mean really, it’s the only thing that makes sense.

Tribute to the Tyrant [Repeatable][2h 00m]

“Tyrant Trintrû at Tol Ascarnen is deserving of praise and tribute. The tribute which the tyrant desires most if the flesh of Men.”

Obtain: Quartermaster Apsduf at Tol Ascarnen

Objective: Collect legs of Men (10)

Completion: Return to Quartermaster Apsduf at Tol Ascarnen

Reward: 250 Destiny Points

Notes: Well, I’m not really sure what Trintrû has done to deserve praise and tribute, standing up there staring blankly at a wall whiles his minions downstairs do all the work, but I’m not one to turn down an opportunity to kill Men. There’s even a quaint little spot far to the east in Coldfells at the base of the road leading up to Ost Ringdyr where Men like to stand in a circle with just enough space between them so you can kill one without bringing the others (“Hey, that orc’s killin’ Frank! Sure is too bad he’s five feet outside of my jurisdiction, otherwise I’d give him what’s for…!”).

(continue to The Black Book of Ettenmoor - Part 3: Deeds and Accomplishments)

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016