The Co-Op PvE side of Global Agenda: A Q&A with Exec. Producer Todd Harris

by on Aug 10, 2009

On the heels of Global Agenda's first weekend closed beta test session, dubbed "CBT 1a", we caught up with Executive Producer Todd Harris for a debriefing. After an update on what was tested, how...

On the heels of Global Agenda's first weekend closed beta test session, dubbed "CBT 1a", we caught up with Executive Producer Todd Harris for a debriefing. After an update on what was tested, how the beta test weekend went, and the kinds of feedback received, what followed was a surprisingly in-depth discussion about the role of player vs. environment (PvE) play in Global Agenda, a game more known for the depth of its player-vs-player (PvP) side.

"Things that were maybe pleasant surprises were the really positive response to group PvE, specifically. We knew people were going to love the PvP because we’ve been testing that ourselves for some time. The PvE is newer for us because we worked backwards from the devices that were balanced for PvP and then adopted the PvE systems around that. And as you guys know, we just introduced that fairly recently at E3. We had a lot of the building blocks in place over the past 4 years but we put it together for missions around the E3 timeframe. Since people really responded well to group PvE, that’s where we’re going to be working on more content in the short term." - Todd Harris

To read what Todd has to say about PvE and Global Agenda's first closed beta weekend, check out The Co-Op PvE side of Global Agenda: A Q&A with Exec. Producer Todd Harris.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016