The Dirty Facts on the PvP Beta Weekend

by on Apr 22, 2008

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Got Milk?

Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures is what is on everyone's mind. How will it be? Is it ready? What is beta like? This week we have some of those very answers as AoC Ten Ton Hammer regular Cow offers up this review on his experience during the recent PvP Beta Weekend.

Melee is very visceral, lots of blood flying around, and you have to get in and stay close! Keep your target in front of you if you swing. You can swing regardless of range, so if the target is out of range as you fire off the big one, tough. It's now on cooldown. I found it to be a good new challenge, and a welcome relief from the normal melee system that most MMORPG’s use.

You can read the full review here. You heard it from the Cow, now share your thoughts on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016