The Great Funeral Massacre

by on May 09, 2006

<strong>The height of poor taste .... or a hilarious joke?</strong><br />

The height of poor taste .... or a hilarious joke?

You may have heard that a couple of months ago, a guild decided (for reasons known only to themselves) to hold an online funeral for one of their guildmates who had died in real life. But it all ended in more than the usual amount of tears when they held this event publicly on a PvP server, and an opposite faction guild decided to crash the party...

For reasons yet to be explained, a group of players decided to hold a "funeral service" for another player who reportedly died in real life on February 28 ... and they decided to hold it in an open-combat area.

They announced it on a World of Warcraft message board.

A gang of rival players known as "Serenity Now" thought that was a fine way to slaughter a whole lot of enemies with minimal effort.

In a hilarious video that even makes sense to those who have never entered this "Lord of the Rings"-style world of wizards and elves and dragons, the Serenity Now gang raids the solemn lakeside funeral and slaughters dozens and dozens of dimwitted mourners.

Read the rest of a recent article about this event here. Also you can check out the original video here!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016