The Inner Workings of an End Game Content Guild

by on Sep 26, 2005

<b>The inner workings of an end game content guild – Lobster Brood (Thunderhorn)</b><br> By: Memnok (Matt LaPage)<br>

The inner workings of an end game content guild – Lobster Brood (Thunderhorn)

By: Memnok (Matt LaPage)

Being an avid player of World of Warcraft, I jumped at the chance to be able to conduct an interview with the Premier end-game content Horde Guild Leader on my server Thunderhorn, to check out the inner workings, and overall organization. Luckily for myself, the guild in topic, "Lobster Brood", had just finish accepting my application into their guild and were more than willing to let their guard down, and share some of their successes. Please enjoy!

Memnok - I just want to take the time right now to thank you, Sufferings for sitting down and helping our readers get a good idea behind what happens in a top rate guild, and to see how much work gets put in by both of you. Alright, to start off with the basics, some background on you, what character classes do you play on WoW, and when did you start playing?

Sufferings - I currently have a level 60 rogue with a 31/8/12 maximum damage build, which I work on improving a lot, so there isn’t much time for alts. I have been playing the game since it went live last year, and haven’t looked back since.

Memnok - You run and manage “Lobster Brood”, what gave you the idea of creating an all raiding/end-game content guild so early on in the game? How did it all come together, the idea of getting as many 60's as possible under one roof?

Sufferings - We originally made it, with the intention of being able to do things that no one else could do at the time. Organise large scale PVP raids before there was honour, hit high level raid instances before people even really knew much about the end game content. We wanted to create something where a large amount of people have to work together to achieve something great. Because LB was created so early on, we grabbed the first handful of level 60's, shared the ideas with them and it has grown since. Though, I can’t take credit for creating the guild, I was originally one of the first members and inherited it, with my friend Grimwar.

Memnok - Is there an application process for new recruits, or some sort of policy put in place to assure only the best possible players can get in?

Sufferings - Yes, there is an application on a website you fill out. If we see someone with some great potential, we contact them and allow then to be guilded, but as a new recruit. New recruits are brought in and guilded, at recruit status for 2 weeks, after that period if 70% of the guild vote to accept them they become members..

Memnok - Is there a set amount of people allowed in the guild (as in only 7 warriors, 6 priests etc) or do you accept anyone from any class?

Sufferings - We have no amount set in stone, but we do like to keep each class at a low amount, where we can moderate them. Because of this, we have to close down recruiting quite a lot. With having a small amount of people, everyone knows everyone, but most importantly, we know each other’s playing style down to a key, and can put a lot of trust in what we do, and not worry. Trust gets created and everyone helps become even better at playing their class.

Memnok - Explain the social structure that you have tried to create, or that has formed without you even meaning it to happen, with the elitist mentality your players have?

Sufferings - It really has formed on its own, people look up to the officers, and the officers in my opinion are the most promising members in the guild. I try and promote the idea that everyone is lucky to play in raids at the level we do it at. The best play with the best, nothing less.

Memnok - Is there any sort of special welcome or experience you try and provide your members with when a new recruit is allowed into the guild?

Sufferings - We have a class leader for every class, who will meet with your characters upon your entry into the guild. From this point, they inspect all of your equipment to see what needs to get replaced and what the guild bank can give to make your toon better. For fun, your class leader takes you outside Ogrimmar and duels you for about an hour to judge your strength and weaknesses, and most importantly to give you some good advice, these guys are the best mind you. We then mix it up and get you to fight several different classes. They are very helpful and friendly. Mostly they are watched heavily in PVE raids to see how well they work with everyone else, and what skills they bring to the Guild. As a GM, I try and personally talk to everyone that comes into LB, and I make sure that they know that they can come talk to me anytime, but most importantly to HAVE FUN.

Memnok - What kind of weekly schedule does your guild keep, as far as Molten Core, Onyxia, and some of the newer instances?

Sufferings - We raid Molten Core 4-5 nights a week, Blackwing Lair, Zul Gurrub and Arathai Basin in the off time, and Onyxia every 6 days. Pretty tight schedule.

Memnok - What does your ideal raid group in Molten Core consist of as far as class numbers? (Horde raid mind you)

Sufferings - I usually like to run it with around 4 warriors, 4-6 rogues, 6 priests, 4 shamans, 4 druids, 4-6 mages/warlocks, 4 hunters. Please as a reminder, these aren't definite numbers, as they vary from boss to boss.

Memnok - Do you have any sort of fire resistance or equipment policy’s that are enforced before Guild Members are allowed to enter Molten Core, or Onyxia?

Sufferings - We do not enforce anything, however we stress fire resist. Since it is a close community, usually it’s only the New Recruits that aren’t up to par, but we try our best to help the people who are at lower resist numbers and equipment so that everyone is similar.

Memnok - What type of looting system has your guild developed for raids?

Sufferings - DKP system is what we are currently using, where you receive points per hour in a raid. You are then allowed to spend your earned points on rolling or receiving item drops.

Memnok - Does your guild provide any equipment to it’s members to better the Guild’s performances in instances, or in player vs. player encounters?

Sufferings - Inside instances, definitely yes. Fire resist gear, Dark iron equipment, upgrades from professions that guildies can make are all communal in the guild, and are issued to people who are in need.

Memnok - Is there a Guild bank, and if so, what is the policy for donating money and items, as well as taking out?

Sufferings - All requests are mailed to the guild bank, controlled by one of our members, in which case he decides if it is a need request, and if so, mails it to that person. Donations are kept track of and are always welcome.

Memnok - The recently released instances of Blackwing Lair, and Zul’Gurub have many new items and sets, has your Guild been participating in very many runs through either of these places? As well, how much different is running a 20 man raid, than a 40 man raid in terms of authority?

Sufferings -We stick mainly to Molten Core, but in our off time, we do run ZG quite a bit. So far we have taken 6 out of the 7 bosses down, and have received some great drops. 20 man raids are in my opinion are very lax in comparison to the Core. You can have fun with it and still do very well.

Memnok - Do any other guilds on your server show any dislike towards your Guild’s accomplishments, or members? Any hard feelings shown that not everyone has what it takes to be in your guild?

Sufferings - A lot of people don’t like the guild on the server, since they don’t share many of the same views of constant raiding. They accuse us of "forcing people to raid". Though, they often get angry at our members for having many of the rewards from higher end instances, and don’t quite see the time and effort we put in to achieve them.

Memnok - All in all, looking back from the beginning when you two first bought that Charter, did you ever imagine the amount of success that “Lobster Brood” has obtained over the past months?

Sufferings - We had no idea that it would turn out the way it did. When we first started it, it was really to see how far it would go and to have some fun, and now its become a part of all of our every day lives.

Memnok - I just want to thank both of you again for taking the time to answer these questions, and that if anybody has any questions or comments about the interview, or “Lobster Brood” please forward them to Memnok.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016