The Maelstrom - Working As Intended

by on Jun 02, 2005

Noobai is back with his column "The Maelstrom" over on This entry discusses how WoW works, how Blizzard fixes issues and more. It is well worth checking out.<br />

Noobai is back with his column "The Maelstrom" over on This entry discusses how WoW works, how Blizzard fixes issues and more. It is well worth checking out.

Bug fixes. Ninja nerfs. We’ve all had our personal experiences and for many of us, some of these “fixes” have shaken the very foundations of the game we brought our characters up in. Throughout WoW’s half year life, Blizzard has taken an interesting approach in addressing issues with the game and their affects on it’s community and players.

The problem lies in the inherent difficulty of developing, running, and maintaining a game as massive as World of Warcraft. The amount of coding involved in creating a world so big, full of so many characters, quests, textures, buildings, geography, scripting, and detail is mind-numbingly immense and just using basic statistics the odds are going to be that it can’t all be perfect.

Check out the entire article here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016