The Secret World - A Look at Secret Societies

by on Sep 24, 2009

<p> <em>The Secret World </em>has let the secrets on their secret societies out, but who are these shadow societies that operate in secret? While the three societies of <em>The Secret World</em> may not all be...</p>

The Secret World has let the secrets on their secret societies out, but who are these shadow societies that operate in secret? While the three societies of The Secret World may not all be real, each can be compared to a real-world secret society from history. Some even believe these societies operate in secret today and this week we're taking a look at each one and who Funcom may have drawn their influence from.

The Illuminati (Latin for enlightened) may be the most recognized name around when it comes to secret societies. Hailed by many conspiracy theorists as the New World Order, the Illuminati have roots dating back as far as the 1700s. The Illuminati are often referenced as an evil secret society in many movies and books. Often viewed as the real rulers of the world, this group is believed by many people to have infiltrated every aspect of every government around the world in order to bring about a one-world government to prepare the earth for the coming of the Antichrist.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016